
Reply To: What are prime numbers, natural numbers, composite number and whole numbers?

Prime numbers -

Any number that is divisible by 1 and itself, i.e., it cannot be divided using any number other than 1 and itself is known as a prime number.

for example- 17, 23, 29 etc.

Natural Numbers-

All the positive integers, for example - 1, 2, 3....infinity, excluding zero are known as natural numbers.

Composite numbers -

A composite number is a number that has at least one divisor other than 1 and itself. It is formed by multiplying two positive integers. For example - 2*3=6, where 6 is a composite number.

2*4=8, where 8 is a composite number.

Whole Numbers -

Any positive number, including zero, comes under the category of whole numbers.

for example - 0, 1, 2 , 3.........infinity

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