
Reply To: Online classes or offline classes which one is better and why?

When it comes to the online classes all the offering classes it depends upon the situation.

When compared to the online classes, often classes are easy to understand. This is because, the individuals will be interacting with the things and will know what is happening very clearly. There are many benefits of attending the offering classes and some of them are the following:

1. Good knowledge:-

When compared to the online classes, and off-line classes in individual can learn the things enough full-fledged mmanner. This is because, in online classes there are many distractions and there is a chance to switch over another apps or the websites. Whereas in the offline classes, and individual can focus on what the teacher is trying to say and can understand well.

2. Good for eyes:- When compared with the online classes off-line classes are far better. This is because, looking on the cell phone or the laptops for hours it is very bad to the eyes and there is a chance to increase the sight defect in an individual.

3. Good to health:-

In the online classes we don't move and we sit stagnant. But where is in cases the off-line classes we travel and move here and there in the break time. This help the individual to be healthy and to be fit

4. Good understanding:-

It is very difficult to understand laboratories in virtual learning. So, offline classes are better than the online classes when compared.

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