
Reply To: Things to forget in life


Many incidents in our life are not so important but then also we do not forget them instead we carry them with us like the haunted memories, scary past.

Certain things that you should forget about in your life:

a. Something stupid you said to someone, but now you are regretting that why did I speak this to him/her. Regretting now will not help you in gaining anything.

b. Never and ever in your life feel bad after having the food of your choice, worrying about the number of calories you intake by eating the food of your choice. Worrying about it will not reduce the number of calories gained by you.

c. Thinking about things you could have learned in the last lockdown. That time has gone now, start living in the present instead of thinking about the time which you have wasted.

d. Thinking about the funny names by which your cousins used to call you and you didn't like those names. Take it in a fun way and stop worrying about useless things.

e. Forget about what others say about you, People do have the habit of saying things at your back so do forget them else these things will start bothering you and will not help you in taking anywhere.

f. Forget your failures, learn from your mistakes but never carry them with you. Otherwise, those failures will scare you and you will not be to take a step for new things.

g. Forget trying to explain everything to everyone. If you will try to explain yourself everybody will think that it is your fault.

h. Forget Trying to be perfect as everybody has some faults in themselves, and there is always room for improvement. Just make sure that you have given your best rest leave it, just enjoy the journey of doing the things.

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