
Reply To: School Picnic to A Village

There are many villages in our country were having many natural resources and reflects its beauty. Many of the students were interested to visit some famous metropolitan cities and spend time with their friends and have some relaxation at there.

The main aim of school picnic is to have a relaxation for students and teachers and explore new places. Villages with beautiful nature are a best place to stay with friends. And there are many ways to explore in the small villages. Can find their way of living, their society etc. Every place in our country were enterliy different. So that it is helpful to find the different types of life styles of people with in a country.

Just imagine you are away from your hurry burry activities and far away from your noisy cities. You are now at a small village without any sound pollution, only the beautiful sounds of nature, walking without any traffic problem, viewing greenary. That boost up your energy to perform well in academic until your next picnic time.

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