
Reply To: What is meant by “the art of living”?

The Art of Living is a non-profit humanitarian and education foundation established in the early 1980s by I-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Described by Shankar himself as a movement and a philosopher more than an organization, The Art of Living yet is a group that works to develop and unite the world through self-improvement using yoga and breathing techniques.

The Art of Living Foundation is present in 154 countries and collaborates with other international organizations on relief projects and services such as disaster relief, rural development and environmental protection, among others.

Based in Bangalore, India, The Art of Living supports its work on Shankar's philosophy that world peace can only be achieved by people with free will. The foundation, therefore, offers programs that develop this philosophy and focus on meditation, yoga and breathing exercises described as the sudarshan kriya, which uses the natural rhythm of the breath to reduce physical stress and calm the mind and emotions.

Art of Living quotes research that sudarshan kriya techniques increase brain and immune and cardiovascular function. As a result, kriya reduces stress, depression, anxiety and similar emotional disturbances.

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