
Reply To: Save Environment Essay

Saving environment is one of the most important thing which needs to be observed by everyone. We should be aware of the fact that not only we should save the environment only of our surrounding, therefore wherever we go, we should never cause any harm to environment. Throwing the wrappers, plastics and such things harm the environment which directly and indirectly effects us and even the animals and plants.

Environment needs to be clean so that healthy air and freshness comes in.

We usually throw the wet garbage anywhere and being there for the long time creates bacteria and fungus and due to which many kind of insects comes at that place. The smell of the garbage gets so bad that even the fresh air gets polluted. And we inhale that air and due to which we give birth to many kind of diseases. So, we should know the way of utilization or the right way to store and throw the garbage.

The environment also contains lakes, ponds, river etc in which people throw the home garbages. The chemicals used in the factories and companies are thrown in the river due to which the water gets polluted and that polluted water causes harm to water animals like fishes die due to the strong chemicals.

So , in order to keep the environment clean, we should keep the water bodies safe as well.

The chimneys producing smoke, the vehicles having much smoke should be avoided because it pollutes the air and proper air breathe is necessary due to which people face a lots of problems.

In order to save the environment, one should promote afforestation and demotes deforestation so that more trees will produce oxygen, fresh air and promotes rainfall so that we can inhale freshness. We should stop polluting the environment because directly or indirectly it effects us.

So save environment, save lives.

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