
Reply To: How do internet influence students?


Almost everybody nowadays has access to the internet. Students today have their cellphones, and even children can be found engrossed in their tablets. So it's no surprise that the Internet has become so ingrained in people's lives that they rely on it for a variety of activities such as socialization, research, entertainment, and current affairs.

For students, spending a lot of time on the Internet can do more harm than good. The internet affects students both negatively and positively. While the internet can be a reliable resource to help them with homework and school project, things can easily turn upside down when time on the internet overtakes time for study and school.

The harmful effect of the internet on students:

1.Social skills that require face-to-face interaction are not practiced. Students are learning about the world around them at this point in their lives. While the Internet is meant to put people together, the fact that people want to communicate online rather than meet in person sends the wrong message to students and children. The student will not be able to learn the value of offline and genuine face-to-face communication.

2.Reduced innovativeness. Since all can be found on the internet, students do not need to put in the additional effort or seek out additional resources to learn the answers to their homework or even their questions. They don't need to pay any more attention, think, or exert any more initiative because all they need to know is only a click away on the internet.

3.Instead of researching, time is wasted on the phone. When people aimlessly search the internet for details that they can't even keep or recall after hours in a session, it's known as non-essential internet use. Nowadays all this is done by students. The time spent in front of the machine is like getting pulled down a dark hole, and it should have been best spent on more worthwhile and constructive activities that help students sharpen their minds and skills.

4.There is less time spent with family, friends, and relatives. Excessive internet use also takes time away from family time. Children, for example, are engrossed in their smartphones even when at the dining table, rather than celebrating meal time together.

5.Some students stay up late at night only browsing the internet for irrelevant information. This is very detrimental to students' developing brains. They still have poor stamina the next day and are prone to not paying attention or even falling asleep in class.

6.Internet addiction habits develop. Students who spend more time online are more likely to develop internet addiction, which can derail their concentration and disrupt their lives. Students are affected by the internet because it feeds them mindless data that can pull them in and make them vulnerable to addiction.

7.Cheating is a serious offense. Cheating is very simple to achieve in only a few clicks because homework and other school assignments can be downloaded directly from the internet. When students may search for ready-made answers on the internet, academic theft and plagiarism are popular in school. This type of action encourages cheating and simple solutions to problems.

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