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Back in 2000, there was a Swiss foundation launched a campaign to determine the New Seven Wonders of the world. There are total of seven wonders in the world. Th number seven was chosen because greeks use to believe that it represented perfection and plenty. The list has modified with the time. After 2001 Swiss corporation started n initiative “New7Wonders Foundation”, which will choose the New 7 wonders of the world. & wonders are selected through online voting between the section of 200 existing monuments. The recent 7 wonders of the world are:

1. Great Wall of china- It was construed in 7th venture BC. It is located in China. It is one of the worlds largest buildings. It is approximately 13.170 lilies long that is 21200 km.

2. Petra - It was construed in 100 BC. It is located in Jordan. It is sandstone mountains and cliffs.

3. Christ the Redeemer - It was construed in 12 October 1931. It is located in Brazil. It’s a colossal statue of Jesus, Stands atop Moth Coronado in Rio de Janeiro.

4. Manchu Picchu - It was construed in AD, 1450. It is located in Peru. It was discovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham. It was home to the “ Virgins os the sun”.

5. Chichen Itza - It was construed in AD, 1450. It is located in Italy. It is the most notable Stepped pyramid El Castillo.

6. Taj Mahal - It was constructed in AD 1648. It is located in India. It was build by Shah Jahan to honor his wife.

7. Great Pyramid of Giza - It was constructed in BC 2560. It is located in Egypt.

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