
Reply To: Parts of speech

Parts of speech helps in framing any sentance. For framing any sentance we need to have a proper knowledge about every part of speech. Where to use how to use and so on .

There are basically eight parts of speech which are used as according to sentences. The eight parts of speech are as:-

1. Noun

2. Pronoun

3. Verb

4. Adverb

5. Adjective

6. Preposition

7. Conjunction and

8. Interjuction


Noun is called as naming word . It is either the name of a person , place , animal ,thing .

There are basically five types of noun :- common noun ,proper noun, abstract noun , collective noun and countable and uncountable nouns.

Examples of noun :- Ayush , India , elephant , any etc.


Pronoun is used at the place of noun . We use pronoun because we cannot use noun at every place.

Examples :- Geeta is a beautiful girl. She lives in delhi .

She is here a pronoun .

Other examples of pronoun are he , you , him etc.


It is the most important elements of parts of speech . Without verb the parts of speech is incomplete.

It tells about time of action .


It defines as the modification of verb . It modifies verb.

Eg :- The girl is most beautiful girl.


It tell us about position of the object like under , above , up , down etc.


It connects one principle sentance to another like :-

He is having either boy or girl .


It ends with exclamatory marks . It shows feelings.

Like:- hurray !! We won the match.

Thank you!!

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