
Reply To: How to avoid global warming?

Global warming is one of the most serious problems which all of our are facing. There are too many factors that affect global warming. One of the reasons why we are facing global warming is Deforestation. Deforestation is occurring wherever in the world for various reasons that vary from place to place and region to region. Huge spaces of rainforests in various tropical nations have been annihilated to part of making different types of oil extraction, different types of plantation, etc. The expanding worldwide interest in wood items has increased the risk of many ancient forests around the world, regardless of the fact whether it is for paper items, furniture, or fuel.

There are few things which we can do to prevent global warming is:

- There are few things which we can do to prevent global warming is:

Afforestation is one of the best ways to prevent global warming.

- Prevent yourself from using wood products. As wood is extracted from trees. Also, avoid using types of furniture which are made of different types of wood.

- Plants more and more trees, plants. Finishing deforestation is the most obvious opportunity we need to settle our environment, save natural life species and also protect our well-being. One should protect trees regardless of anything, it should a mutual responsibility of each and every person.

- One should paper and cardboard, which are recyclable. Not only paper or cardboard one should use products that are recyclable and organic.

- One should avoid cooking food with help of fire and wood.

- One should also avoid using refrigerators a lot. The gases released by it are very harmful and one of the reasons why global warming is increasing.

- One should also avoid using A/Cs, even A/Cs releases a lot of harmful gases which are harmful to the environment.

- One should practice eco-friendly foresting.

- One should avoid cutting trees for residential use.

- One should avoid using a lot of Palm oil.

- One should avoid use products that emit a lot of gasses that are harmful to the environment.

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