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Activity Discussion General Discussion Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India? Write a note on her. Reply To: Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India? Write a note on her.


    May 27, 2021 at 1:03 pm
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    After the tragic death of 3rd Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, who was the daughter of Nehru was elected as the Congress Party leader. Therefore, India got her first woman PM. She was the first-ever one, who was the head of the nation in India.

    As it is stated above, Indira was Jawaharlal Nehru’s only daughter.

    She started involving in the political agendas soon during her youth. In 1955 she was chosen to be in the executive body of the Congress Party. During 1959, she also became the party president. When Lal Bahadur Sashtri was holding the office, she played a vital role in managing everything and hence received a steady high position in the party.

    After Sashtri’s death, she was given the position of the party leader and the position of India’s next Prime Minister. Naturally, she was challenged by the opposition.

    And in 1967, she managed a tight victory.

    In 1971, when there was another election. Gandhi won a booming emerged victorious over the opposition party.

    She was unquestioned after that.

    After getting her position as the PM of the state, she advised on matters such as food shortages, inflation, and regional disputes.

    She had to face lots of disputes and questions and criticism as she was talking about these problems. It is also known that she was accused by the opposition, that se=he has somehow cheated and defrauded the 1971 elections.

    This became certain when in 1975, the Allahabad High Court condemned her of a secondary election breach. Thereafter, she was straight away banned from politics for the upcoming six years.

    This resulted in a state of emergency. There was a mess throughout India. The politicians of oppositions and many other higher authorities were made captive. This game continued for a while.

    Due to pressed charges and convicted corruptions, Congress was defeated and Janata Party came into power.

    However, in 1980, when the Janata party failed the governance of the nation, Congress again came into power and Indira Gandhi was again the Prime Minister.

    Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31st October 1984, by her own bodyguards.

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