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Activity Discussion Grammar & Vocabulary Grammar & Vocabulary Reply To: Grammar & Vocabulary

  • Nehal Rathi

    May 27, 2021 at 11:31 pm
    Not Helpful

    What are antonyms?

    A word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good ).

    Antonyms are referred to words that are totally opposite in meaning. Antonyms word was derived from greek word, ‘anti’ means ‘opposite’ and ‘onym’ means ‘name’. Making it “Opposite name”.

    There are three types of antonyms:

    Complementary antonyms – which have no middle ground. For example: Night-Day, Man-Women, Girl-boy, etc.

    Relational antonyms – Both the words must exist, to be antonyms of each other. For example: sell – buy, Receive-give, below – above, etc.

    Graded antonyms – These words can be 2 words on a scale. Words are generally related to each other but can be interpreted differently, by different groups of people. For example: Slow – fast, slim – fat, cool – warm, etc.

    Antonyms can be created by adding prefix the the existing words:

    For example:

    Existing words: Agree ; Disagree (After adding prefix )

    Existing words: Honest ; Dishonest

    Existing words: Belief ; disbelief

    Existing words: Decent ; indecent

    Existing words: Behave ; misbehave

    Existing words: Obey ; disobey

    Existing words: Lead ; mislead

    Existing words: trust ; mistrust

    Existing words: Comfort ; discomfort

    Existing words: Payment ; nonpayment

    Existing words: Sense ; nonsense

    Existing words: Able ; unable, disable

    Existing words: Like ; unlike

    Existing words: Fortunate ; unfortunate

    Existing words: Interpret ; misinterpret

    Existing words: Tolerant ; intolerant

    Existing words: Marvelous ; Terrible

    Existing words: Professional ; Amateur

    Existing words: Temporary ; Permanent

    Existing words: Visible ; Invisible

    Existing words: Rich ; poor

    Existing words: wide ; narrow

    Existing words: Do ; undo

    Existing words: Full empty

    Existing words: comfortable ; uncomfortable

    Existing words: mature ; immature

    Existing words: Legal ; illegal

    Existing words: Excellent ; terrible

    Existing words: ugly ; beautiful

    Existing words: hold ; uphold

    Existing words: sad ; happy

    Existing words: Narrow ; wide

    Existing words: small ; large

    Existing words: True ; false

    Existing words: Husband ; wife

    Existing words: On ; off

    Existing words: son ; daugther

    Existing words: sister ; brother

    Here are few examples of antonyms.

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