
Reply To: Discuss few birth control methods that are proving to be effective worldwide.

1) Barriers

Condom- Rubber sheet worn over the penis to stop sperm enterinng the vagina.

Diaphragm- Prevents transmission of STDs. Rubber cup is placed in the vagina over the crevix.

Intra-uterine contraceptive device- Copper-T shaped placed in uterus by doctor. Used to prevent pregnancy. Can cause side effects due to irritation of uteres.

2) Hormonal

Oral contraceptive pills- Contains hormones, which prevent realese of ovum. So that fertilization cannot occur and disturb the hormonal balance of the body. Can cause side effects also.

3) Chemical

Spermicidal- Applied in vagina. Kills sperms. Only be used by condoms or diaphragm.

4) Surgical

Vasectomy- Sperms duct are cut or tied properly. Therefore sperm transfer can be prevented. Prevent sperm from coming out. It is irreversible.

Tubectomy- Oviducts are cut or tied properly. The fallopian tube in the female is blocked, the eggs will not be able to reach the uteres and thus fertilization will not take place. Prevent eggs from meeting the sperms. It is irreversible.

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