
Reply To: Do you think overpopulation is an important environmental issue?

Yes, I agree that overpopulation is an environmental issue.

Overpopulation causes many problems collectively. More population means, more need of basic resources like food, water, etc. These are yet basic, as these kids grow up, more funds requirement, more buildings for space, more of everything in the same place. This might not seem as big as an issue to us now, but in the long run, it will destroy the planet.

Considering the current situations itself, the world is more or less more than required, filled with population, which is in hunt for resources for livelihood. In my locality itself, I see trees being cut, sea lines being extended for roadways and expansion. Moreover these roads are not made of cement, in order to avoid formation of puddles. The drawback here is, the groundwater want be formed as it would earlier.

More of people, means more travelling too. More travelling means more vehicles, which in return will cause air pollution.

Our carelessness has already created water pollution to massive extent.

These all points add together in the bad shape of our environment.

There are NGOs that help in family planning and also share awareness about the results of ones step.

It is important to make these campaigns available worldwide, in order to protect the environment.

I hope this answer helps!😊

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