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Free education

Education is the most essential part of a person's life. We can have to be educated to achieve something in our life.We can earn money, fame, success everything by education. It can make us a better thinker, education can make our development and made us a better person. It can also improve our personality and attitude. Education gives us the ability to write and read. We learn alphabet, sentence , numbers every thing to make us able to read and write. As a child we first learn the alphabet, then slowly we can able to read words and also day by day we lean history, geography, science everything by reading. So it's the first step towards education.

We all need proper education for survive in life but their are so many children who can not afford proper education. So their parents threw them to other things like labor work, domestic worker. They can move forward in life even with their good intention of learning they didn't have any other options. So for this kinds poor or unable people we should always provide free education. In our constitution many act stated that provide free education in primary level and ever one must be educate. They can't be discriminated on the basis of their cast, class or religion. Free education can motivate everyone to be successful in life. Other wise they just get used to of their poverty. Free education can increase the rate of literacy in our country so our country can be get more develop and modern. We can be the best country in whole world and education in the main thing to do that.

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