
Reply To: How has the pandemic given rise to unemployment?

Our world is fighting one of the greatest challenges that it has ever faced, the pandemic caused by the covid 19 virus has caused havoc and for this the whole world is suffering. The pandemic started in the beginning of the year of 2020 and till date is ongoing, most of the countries have faced the two havoc waves causing destruction like anything. With the ever-increasing number of cases and deaths caused by this deadly virus people are not only physically challenged but are also facing numerous mental issues to deal with the prevailing situation. The whole world has come to a stand still and human beings are the worst sufferers.

For a developing country like India with the second largest population and lack of job opportunities things are going downhill as the lockdown imposed due to the pandemic has resulted in shutting down many private firms and industries and thus as a result the unemployment rate is increasing, also people are loosing jobs due to lack of technicalities as nowadays everything is transferred into the online platforms many people are not able to cope up with this drastic change in such a short period of time. Also due to the pandemic international exports and imports have been reduced and in some parts completely stopped this also caused a mass unemployment action.

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