
Reply To: cross power density spectrum

The cross-spectral density (CSD) structure shows the repeated signal strength in the frequency band in the frequency band band. The area below the CSD curve from frequency f1 to frequency f2 (RMS) in that wavelength range.

CSD can be used to detect resonant resonant frequencies found in two signals.

Cross Strength Structures

Each word in the term "cross-spectral density" represents an important element of CSD.

The cross represents the two analyzes as if they were always “facing” each other.

Spectral represents CSD as a frequency function. The CSD represents the distribution of a short-range signal across a wide range of frequencies such as the rainbow represents the distribution of light across wavelengths (or colors).

The plural represents the strength in the frequency group (from frequency f1 to frequency f2) found under the CSD curve in that band.

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