
Reply To: essay on proverb cleanliness is next to godliness

Cleanliness is next to godliness is a very true statement. It is not till that you keep yourself and your body clean. Cleanliness signifies your environment and surroundings to be clean. We perceive many people who are very irresponsible in the cleanliness of their surroundings. The way it is, it remains like that. But we need to understand the fact that the surrounding of ours effect our mental health as well. If you keep your surrounding, your home, your room in a dirty manner, that is the bedsheets of the room is not being changed, the blanket is not being folded and the things are threw here and there can make your mind go into a negative direction.

Keeping your surrounding clean with perfectly cleaned room and the things at right place will give you a positive vibes and a satisfaction. Everything starts from our home. Start to inbuilt your habits of keeping your home surrounding clean at first, so that you will feel good all times.

The room is a place where you spend more of your time. So make it clean by arranging everything at right place. Make your curtains, bedsheets, pillow clean and tidy. So that if you sit in your room, you will be achieving good and positive vibes. You will feel irritated and negative vibes occur if your room remains dirty all the time.

In office place, schools etc, your second home where you spend your atleast 6 hours of the day also be maintained by you. Don't scatter the files books and notebooks in anyway, keep it in a right way. Don't untidy your bench and chair where you sit, keeping such places clean will help you to concentrate more in your works and studies.

Keep your outward area clean as well. Don't throw anything on the roads, you use dustbin. The garbage smell leds the fresh air to pollute and we get a breathing problem. We should always remember that wherever the cleanliness is there, god is there. So promote the manner of keeping everything clean and live with a positivity.

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