
Reply To: Essay on varieties of tea

Tea has been one of the most important need of human's life. People usually prefer tea in the mornings and evenings. People can agree on skipping their meals but not their tea. Henceforth,tea is mostly the addiction of most of the people. There has been many kinds of teas which gives different benefits on to our body. Nowadays, due to health and fitness issues, people skip white sugar in their teas.

Milk tea

Milk tea is being preferred by the aged as well the adult. Milk tea is mostly demanded early in the morning to freshen your mind and it consist of cardamom, saffron, ginger etc, to make it more effective and tastier.

Black tea

Black tea does not contains milk. Black tea contains a spices like cardamom, bay leaves, black salt, sugar and tea leaves and mostly people have it for the sake of their fitness. The fitness trainers prefer it to drink.

Green tea

Green tea is used to drink by the people to stay fit and mostly to loosen the belly fat. Henceforth, these usually comes in a tea bag so people prefer the tea bags more in order to stay fit.

Teas are not the new things and hence people have a huge craze for teas till now. Only the thing needs to be remembered is, people should intake tea in limited amount. It is because in taking of too much caffeine can give you negative results as well. Your sleeping schedule might gets delayed or disturbed. In taking 2 cups of day is enough.

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