
Reply To: Write autobiography of a book

I am a Mathematics book of standard twelve, I was published by the Arihant book house as the 23<sup>rd</sup> edition of the basic secondary mathematics. I am quite a heavy and thick book; I was printed in some factory and then for the first time I was arranged in a rack with many others like me in the famous book lane of college street Kolkata. One fine day a boy came to the shop and asked for me and the shopkeeper wrapped me up in a newspaper and presented it to the student, I went to his home, he placed me in his book shelf with his other books. The very next day he started using me and he used to study me a lot as I was a tough one many a times when answers didn’t match or he was unable to solve a particular problem he used to make thick dark marks on me but he was a nice boy he never folded my pages or kept me in bad conditions, but soon he started mastering me throughout the year the boy worked out my problems day and night and finally his hard work paid him off as he came out with flying colors in mathematics. Now I am back again at a table in the college street book lane the boy sold me at half a price and now I am showcased yet for another time waiting for another student to start a new journey.

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