
Reply To: Autobiography of Bicycle.

I am a hero bicycle manufactured in Maharashtra I was shipped to a store in West Bengal, I was packed along with many others and was sent to a completely new state. After arriving I was dispatched to a hero showroom. The showroom was beautiful and was well decorated. I was one of the latest collections which constituted of only two piece me and my dear friend. I was blue in color and my friend was red, we were placed at the center of the store decorated with balloons, hanging hoarders and ribbons. One day a family came in which constituted of the parents and their two children one boy and the other girl both of them at once choose me and my friend and soon we arrived at our new home. I was chosen by the girl and the boy took my red friend.

The children were not yet trained to ride bicycles and soon they learnt it, during this period a got some scratches but I must say that I have got a beautiful owner, everyday after ride she used to dust me, when she rode me in mud, she even used to use me with help of his father and she was very obsessed with me, we went to far off places enjoying cool breeze during the evening time. With passing time, the little girl grew up, but she even uses me till date but the frequency has decreased, I was her first bicycle and she still loves me a lot.

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