
Reply To: How important is it to maintain social distance in times like the pandemic?

Our world is constantly fighting against the pandemic caused by the deadly virus since the beginning of the year and till date is ongoing, most of the countries have faced the two havoc waves causing destruction like anything. With the ever-increasing number of cases and deaths caused by this deadly virus people are not only physically challenged but are also facing numerous mental issues to deal with the prevailing situation. The whole world has come to a standstill and human beings are the worst sufferers. Not only this it has even disturbed the economy, medical facilities and education the three major pillars of the human society. According to me the worst hit sector by this deadly virus is the educational sector. Already the pandemic has created a lot of mental and physical imbalances.

At this point of time some most important things which we should make into regular practices are using mask whenever we are out, sanitizing our hands on regular interval and maintaining social distance. Maintaining social distance will reduce the reach of the virus as viruses cannot stay active in non-living environment and thus maintaining distances will prevent the active viruses to enter the human body and thus eventually affect us.

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