
Reply To: General Discussion

Covid 19 is a very unexpected disease which is causing destruction all over the world. Firstly we don't even know that <div>such a virus could ever exist and now we have to deal with it. From the month of February 2020 we learn about these </div><div>viruses. But we don't even think that this could affect so much in our lives. It quickly spread all around the world and </div><div>made our lives miserable. It had taken so many millions of lives, and made so many people unemployed. But still this </div><div>time we have to cope with it. We have to continue our lives coping with it. When the covid hit our country doctors told us </div><div>to isolate ourselves, wear masks, wash hands frequently, keep ourselves clean and don't go in public places without an </div><div>emergency. In the inception of this situation people had taken this situation seriously, they followed these instructions </div><div>given by the doctors. But when the time passes, the fear of it becomes less. So the people became careless and </div><div>disobeyed these instructions. This is the main cause of the dangerous second wave outbreak in India. The second </div><div>wave became more fatal than the first wave. So many people lost lives and jobs. The economy has totally fallen down. </div><div>In this situation the prices of daily goods, petrol, are increasing, which has made the normal people's lives so hard. But </div><div>still there is a hope that we can defeat this disease as the vaccine has come out. It has totally changed our social </div><div>status,people are working online from home,childeren are studied from home and we meet up with friends from home. </div><div>This situation teach us the value of family. We have to continue our lives this way until everything become normal. So </div><div>People have to the covid 19 vaccines and follow the instructions of the doctors. If we do this then the virus can not </div><div>affect us. So we have to continue our lives and stay by the underprivileged people's side. Your one small help can make </div><div>a huge impact on their lives. And the most important besides these things we have to be positive in life and spread </div><div>positivity that one everything can be normal.</div>
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