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  • Glenda

    September 4, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    Not Helpful

    Astronauts land back on Earth through a carefully coordinated process involving several stages:

    1. Re-entry: The spacecraft re-enters Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds, with a heat shield protecting it from intense friction and heat.

    2. Descent: The spacecraft’s descent is controlled by a series of parachutes that deploy in stages. First, small drogue parachutes slow the spacecraft down, followed by larger main parachutes that further slow the descent.

    3. Landing: The spacecraft often includes landing modules equipped with shock absorbers to cushion the impact. In some cases, the spacecraft may use additional landing gear or deploy airbags to further reduce the landing force.

    4. Recovery: Once the spacecraft lands, recovery teams quickly reach the landing site to assist the astronauts and transport them back to a safe location.

    This process is meticulously planned and executed to ensure the safety of the astronauts as they return to Earth.

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