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Activity Discussion Environment Explain the life cycle of a silk worm.

  • Shivani

    June 4, 2021 at 8:33 am
    Not Helpful

    Silk is a natural fiber derived from worm larvae, which are the larvae of the mulberry silk moth Bombyx mori.

    coal bombyx mori

    The Bombyx Mori silk moth, painted by coal by Ozgur Babacan. Details Ozgur Babacan 2015

    The Life Cycle of the Silkworm

    – The female moth lays 300-500 small eggs and after 10 days, the silkworms hatch.

    – Worms only eat a lot of leaves on a mulberry tree for about 30-40 days.

    – Silk larvae shed their skin up to four times, or molt, as they continue to feed and grow.

    – After their last larva, the embryo forms a cocoon itself. The cocoon is a protective coating made from silk.

    – Inside the coconut, the silkworm turns into a caterpillar, the stage between the caterpillars and the old moths.

    – After two weeks, the caterpillar comes out of the hole like an old moth.

    – The old moth is looking for a mate so that the female can lay more eggs and start the cycle again.

    – A cord from a marble coconut when not open can be up to 900 meters long

    – More than 50 000 coconuts are needed to make 1 kg of silk

    – To feed 25 worms from an egg to the flu stage you need a 10-foot mulberry tree or two small shrubs to provide enough leaves.

    – The caterpillar increases its size 10,000 times before it is ready to spin its cocoon. A small branch will probably last a week and it takes four weeks for the silkworm to develop before it can develop into a cocoon.

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