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Did Harappans have basic civic amenities?
Posted by Anushree Ray on May 15, 2021 at 5:37 pmDid Harappans have basic civic amenities? Mention any two features to suggest that the Harappan people enjoy the highest standard of Civic amenities than those of Mesopotamia?
This discussion was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
Nitin replied 11 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply-
This discussion was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
- 1 Reply
The Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus Valley civilization, flourished around 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE in the region that is now modern-day Pakistan and northwest India. While our understanding of the Harappan civilization is still evolving, archaeological evidence suggests that they had a well-organized and sophisticated urban infrastructure, including basic civic amenities.
Here are two features that suggest the Harappans enjoyed a relatively high standard of civic amenities compared to those of Mesopotamia:
1. Sanitation Systems: The Harappans had advanced sanitation systems in their cities. Excavations at Harappan sites, such as Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, have revealed the presence of an intricate underground drainage system. Houses were equipped with individual bathrooms and toilets, and a network of covered drains was laid out beneath the streets. This suggests a high level of urban planning and a concern for public health and hygiene.
In contrast, while the Mesopotamians also had some form of urban planning, their sanitation systems were less advanced. Mesopotamian cities typically relied on open drains and canals that were prone to flooding and contamination, leading to a greater risk of waterborne diseases.
2. Standardized Architecture: The Harappans displayed a remarkable level of town planning and standardized architecture. The cities were laid out on a grid pattern, with streets and buildings aligned along cardinal directions. The houses were constructed using standardized burnt bricks, suggesting a well-developed construction industry. This standardization of urban layout and building materials indicates a centralized authority coordinating city planning and construction.
In contrast, Mesopotamian cities had a more organic layout, with irregularly shaped streets and buildings. The architecture also varied widely in terms of construction materials, with structures made from materials such as mud bricks, reeds, and timber. This suggests a less centralized approach to urban planning and construction.
While it is difficult to make direct comparisons between the Harappan civilization and Mesopotamia due to variations in geographic and cultural contexts, the presence of advanced sanitation systems and standardized urban planning in the Harappan cities suggests a relatively high standard of civic amenities for their time.
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