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Activity Discussion Essay Medicines Or excercise

  • Edutuber mallu

    June 4, 2021 at 9:45 pm

    Both exercises and medicines are vital in one’s life. Exercises help keep one’s body fit and healthy. The extra fat and bad fat inside one’s body gets burned while exercising. Medicines help man revive from diseases . It is always recommended to keep one’s body away from diseases. Exercises are good for our health. Exercise is often considered as an apt method to relieve from daily hurry burry life and it is considered as a stress reliever. One should devote atleast half an hour a day to keep oneself healthy and immune against diseases. Exercise helps in stretching muscles and improving the joint flexibility . But if we get diagnosed with some diseases , we need to rely on medicines. Only the necessary medicines would provide us with relief from diseases. But even though exercising would help in evading many lifestyle diseases and improve the quality of circulation and other body processes. Medicines have some bad effects on the body too using medicines more than necessary may lead to tolerance . Then the body needs more medicine to fight the same disease. ” prevention is better than cure” . Exercises helps us avoid daily injuries too. But exerting more on exercise would only do negative impact.

  • Shweta

    June 14, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    Both medicines and exercises cannot be criticized as because it both plays their role according to the humans body. Only the thing needs to be understood is, people should know actually that the body needs exercise or medicines. This is because if you fall ill or in case you have an accident and your hurt is serious, at that case exercise won’t help you. Medicines will cure you at it’s best. Similarly, if a body gets fatter or the body is not able to get detox, at that time your body will need exercise. If one thinks that without workout or exercises, one can cure all body problems by sitting all day and having just medicine pills won’t help you out. Rather it will effect you in a negative way.

    Requirement of exercise

    Our body needs a proper workout not only in order to be fit or slim or to look good. But to remain fresh, active and support your mental health as well. If we do exercise and workout on a regular basis even for half an hour, it will help you to stay fit and fine. You will feel fresh and active throughout a day. And if you feel fresh and active throughout a day, you will do lots of work without any laziness. Henceforth, no disease will occur to you. You fall ill because you feel lazy throughout a day and sitting for a long time at one place will give you nothing. So if you exercise, you will be active and fit.

    Requirement of medicines

    If you exercise everyday, you will be fresh and you will fall less ill. So there needs no requirement of medicines. Having more medicine will give wrong impact on your body. Have medicine only when it’s urgent. If you have serious injury then to cure it, you can have medicines. The right medicines are the supplements you can take if you exercise more. That supplements will work on your body and you will get benefits. Supplements like whey protein, omega 3, multivitamins etc are the exact need of body which should be intake.

    Henceforth, take right medicines and don’t make any habit of medicines intake. Exercise more to take less medicines.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 14, 2021 at 8:10 pm

    Medicine and exercise are two important element which are responsible for our healthy being. But there is individual crisis or need when they should be applied. Exercise should be a part of daily lifestyle of each and every individual be it a kid or an old person in order to be fit and healthy. Exercising must be a regular habit it also helps in digestion and keeps us flexible; it also helps us to concentrate and focus on things basically it is a natural process without any side effects which helps in detoxifying ourselves and thus keep us healthy. Yoga or exercise was also a pert of daily lifestyle in the Vedic age and gave positive results always. One should practice exercise without any malfunctioning of the body whereas on the other hand medicine are charged to a person only if he/she is suffering from a particular disease or problem it provides relief to the same. Medicines should be taken by a patient only when prescribed by a certified doctor as it can even lead to various side effects and should never be taken without consultation.

    Both medicine as well as exercise are important and helps us to recover when our immune system are attacked by foreign bodies.

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