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Activity Discussion Science & Technology Science & Technology

  • Aashutosh

    May 13, 2021 at 8:35 pm
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    All kinds of animals live together in these ecosystems. These animals for communities among themselves and follow the specific diet accordingly which connect them in a food chain. There are three kinds of creatures in the ecosystem.

    First, those animals who only eat plants and are called Herbivores.

    Second, those animals who only eat meat. They are called Carnivores.

    Third and last, those animals who eat both plants and meat. They are called Omnivores.

    In ecosystems, all three types of animals play vital roles. The balance of the ecosystems is maintained by every animal. If any of the three systems extinct or become scarce, the entire balance of the ecosystems will collapse.

    As discussed above, herbivores are animals who exclusively lived by eating plants and herbs. Their diet specifically contains grass, tree bark,
    aquatic vegetation, and shrubby growth. They are surprisingly in greater numbers. They include Cows, Ox, buffalo, deer, etc. An ecosystem must provide enough vegetation for sustaining the life of herbivores. They spend most of their time grazing on the field, eating plants that are present in the ecosystems to stay alive. If the abundance of plants declines, herbivores may not have enough to eat. Resulting in the disbalance of the ecosystems. Which have an impact on omnivores as well as on carnivore animals.

    Coming onto Carnivore animals. They feed on herbivores animals as well as on omnivores. Nature depends on the carnivore animals to keep the check on the population of herbivore animals. Carnivore includes Lion, Tigers, wolves, birds, etc. They hunt their prey and maintain the balance of the ecosystems. Carnivores rely on
    sufficient prey in the food chain to survive. If the
    herbivore population or the population of other carnivores reduces,
    carnivores might not survive.

    Last is Omnivore animals, they have an upper hand in the food chain because their diet is most diverse. These animals plan their diet according to the availability of food, sometimes it can survive only on plants, and other times it can survive on meat. Though omnivores can’t eat all the plants that herbivores can eat because of the difference in the digestive system that both have. Generally, they can eat fruits and vegetables but not grass and some grains. Omnivores do hunt like Carnivores and can survive on that. E.g. Bears, humans, dogs, etc.


    May 13, 2021 at 9:03 pm
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    To understand the difference between each of them, we just need to learn what are herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. That’s it.


    All living animal which survives its life by consuming the only plant or plant-based item i.e. autotrophs is known as herbivores. They are distinguished from other animals as their digestive system is suitable only to digest plant and plant produces. For this reason, their mouths have teeth that are suitable for grinding those products. They have flat molars that help in chewing plants. It is a particular psychological adaptation that has been there generations after generations for a particular animal species.

    For example,

    There are koala bears, gorillas that are adapted to eat only leaves. Horses are there who only live on grasses and few other seeds. Small sea animals including crabs, snail, sea urchin, etc have only algae as food.


    It is an entirely different animal species that is completely opposite to the herbivores. Any organism that lives its life by consuming only meat or animal flesh is termed a carnivore. Carnivores are one of the most dominating parts of the food chain. By nature, they are supposed to be fierce and violent creatures. They survive by killing another fellow organism which when they haunt is termed as prey. Their body is tuned in such a way that they cannot survive without meat. It is an essential requirement for them. For this reason, their features are developed too. They have sharp canines to tear meat.

    For example,

    Especially mammals fall under this category. This includes lion, tiger, leopard cheetah, etc. They hunt animals in the forest and fulfill their dietary needs.


    Omnivores are those organisms that have no restrictions. This simply means they can have both plants and meats to satisfy their dietary needs. There are different categories of omnivores. Some are no different from the carnivores, they consume meat in similar ways. Some are known as scavengers. They survive by eating dead meat, i.e. dead animals. Also, there is another category that can survive just by pants or animal products. Thus, they can extract energy from all sources.

    The animals falling under these categories are badgers, bears, pigs, dogs, squirrels, etc, and of course, humans.

    Scavengers like a vulture, hyena, raccoon, jackals are the consumer of dead meats.

    Thus, from this, we can clearly understand that what differentiates each category from the other.

  • Nehal

    May 13, 2021 at 9:43 pm
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    The differences between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores are the following-

    Who are herbivores?

    The creatures which eats or consume just plants for their fulfilment are called herbivores. Examples of herbivores are cow, , deer, beetle, camel etc. They are considered to be first level of consumers. Generally the teeth of herbivores are not that sharp. The main use of their teeth is for crushing and grinding that is the reason why they are not that sharp. Salivary Glands are also present in herbivores.

    Who are Carnivores?

    The creatures which eats the life form of animals or meat are called Carnivores. Example of Carnivores are lion, bear, snake, wolf, etc. They are considered to be second level of consumers. As carnivours are meat eaters they have pretty sharp teeth that also helps them to shewing and tearing flesh. Salivary Glands are not really that developed and are small.

    Who are Omnivores?

    The creatures which eat both plant food just as meat of different are called omnivores.Best examples of omnivores are us the human beings, cows, bear, etc. They are considered as tertiary level of consumers. As omnivores are both plant and meat eater so they have sharp and not that sharp teeths.Salivary Glands are well developed.

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