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Activity Discussion Science & Technology What is ozone hole?

  • Nehal

    May 18, 2021 at 4:43 pm
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    According to english dictionery ozone hole means-

    a region of marked thinning of the ozone layer in high latitudes, chiefly in winter, attributed to the chemical action of CFCs and other atmospheric pollutants. The resulting increase in ultraviolet light at ground level gives rise to an increased risk of skin cancer”.

    Ozone layer had started thinning since 1980s, scientists had discovered that the thinning is because of increased concentration of ozone depleting chemicals. The ozone loss was known as Ozone hole. The two gases responsible for ozone hole are mentioned below:

    Ozone depletion is because of chlorofluorocarbons and halons gases (Nitrogenous gases) which are released into the air. These gases are found in cans, refrigerator, aerosol spray etc. These gases causes chemical reactions that breaks down the molecules of ozone layer which indeed reduces the radiation absorbing capacity.

    Ozone in the upper atmosphere and it absorbs ultraviolet rays and radiation. The sun releases electromagnetic radiations which are harmful for us. So earth has different atmosphere that protects it from reaching us. Uv radiation cannot be seen or felt but it has a very powerful effect. One can say that uv radiation can be a small cause of global warming. Human activities that releases pollutants in the air because ozone depletion and global warming.

    It’s harmful effect on us are:

    – The different type of uv rays which are released by the sun and that reaches our earth, those rays will its effect on everything be it humans, plants, animals. For humans there can be higher risk of skin cancer , sunburns, and different types of skin diseases. For plants it might attests its growth. For animals the same might happen as humans.

    – Planktons are also greatly affected by the uv rays. It can also be a small reason of global warming.


    May 18, 2021 at 6:13 pm
    Not Helpful


    The ozone layer is the layer present in the stratosphere. It is also known as the ozonosphere. This layer is extremely important for the earth as it helps in blocking all harmful solar radiation to reach the earth. Ultimately shielding the earth against dangerous UV rays.

    Now ozone is produced by the process of photodissociation when the singular atomic release of oxygen molecule happens and that singular atom joins an O2 molecule. Now it is also evident that the amount of ozone production varies every year. But now the scenario has become such that the ozone layer has slowly started its depletion.

    So, let’s discuss more that

    Ozone Depletion

    So what exactly is Ozone Depletion?

    The ozone layer over the year is becoming thinner and thinner. This is ozone depletion. It is happening that due to increasing technologies and modernizing of societies, factories, industries are increasing. For this, the chemical release after the industrial process is also increasing. Chlorine and Bromine are two elements that are pollutants that are actively destroying the state of ozone. It is also taken into account that the process of depletion is particularly more in the polar regions i.e. in the extreme of the earth.

    The harmful effects of ozone depletion:

    1. Air quality may decline

    a. The excessive UV rays form smog that clutters the air around the city making it extremely dense

    b. Increases ground-level ozone that too for a large area.

    c. As a whole the weather is completely and fully changing every year.

    2. Aquatic ecosystem is also affected

    a. Low production of phytoplankton

    b. Oceans get warmed up in the upper half and the nutrients from the bottom don’t get transported upwards

    3. Human health has suffered too

    a. Unnecessary tanning of skin

    b. The skin is exposed to UV radiation that damages the inside.

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