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Activity Discussion Environment What is water pollution?

  • Sakchi

    May 24, 2021 at 11:07 am
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    Pollution means to degrade the quality of natural resources by human activities and even with natural process. The agents that causes pollution is called as pollutants. Water pollution can be defined as increasing contamination of water by several pollutants.

    Water as we know is very important for us . We live without food for approx 10 days but we can’t live without water for more than 2-3 days. Water is our need.

    Water pollution:-

    1. People are polluting water in many ways like industrial waste is directly released to the river water and get mixed . This effect the life of aquatic animals and also river water is effected.

    2. Hospital waste is very hazardous , if it releases into river the whole river become poisonous. If any animal drink this water they will ultimately die.

    3. Poor drainage system . Drain water get mixed with river water and hence it also get effected.

    4. In villages people bath their cattles in the river water this will make it unfit for drinking.

    5. Tourist visiting to the beach throw plastic waste ,wrapper into the sea and hence causes pollution.

    Water pollution is effecting us in many ways :- scarcity of clean drinking water , pollution of river sometimes if drain water get mixed and the river water become a breeding place of mosquito . Many aquatic life get disturbed.

    So there is a need of hour to save water as it is a limited resources.

    Thank you!!

  • Aruja

    May 23, 2021 at 11:40 am
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    Pollution is the term to define the pollutant that are harmful left out or created materials, rays, that can great damage to the environment. Pollution is man made because everything that is made out of natural resources can be easily get decomposed into the environment, but the material that cannot be decomposed into the environment and it causes harm to the natural cycles of the Living organism.

    Now we will be talking about water pollution . It is a pollution that created in the water. It causes a great harm to the aquatic life. Tons of plastic waste, chemical waste from the factories and waste from the the day today life, all the waste that is created is decomposed into the the large water bodies. Which causes great harm not only do the quality of the water but also the organism living in the water. So many animals die due to the consumption of plastic and during the chemical present dissolved into the water.

    Water pollution is created by humans activities only, to make their life easy, and comfortable, to fulfill their needs, etc. On a daily basis tons of plastic waste is created around the globe to get rid of this on daily basis many countries decompose their ways into the large water bodies like Oceans and seas. They throw all the waste into the water as there is no space left on the land to decompose it. There are so many chemical industries and other factories of different materials who create so many chemical waste aur any kind of waste and they also decompose it into the water bodies without even filtering it.

    It’s not about only human but also about every living organism that is harmed due to the water pollution. There are so many cycles that work including the water from the water bodies. So, of course it eventually causes harm to the humans and because of so much waste present into the oceans it causes death of many aquatic animals on daily basis and so their amount is decreasing.

  • Jyothi krishna

    May 23, 2021 at 8:15 pm
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    Water is a major natural resources for all living creatures. By the survey the amount of fresh water in the world is very less. But we, the human beings don’t understand the importance of water. So that we polluted it. There are different types of environmental pollutions including air, water, sound etc. We polluting the entire world. These results to cause many health problems. The environmental pollutions later questions the sustain of life particle in the earth. Through pollutions we actually destroys our base to live. May be we are not needs to face the consequences. But the next generations have to face it. We enjoyed the resources that our ancestors are protected . So we can use it. But for the next generation whom will protect?

    Fresh water is very less in our earth. But we polluted water by putting plastic items, food content, home or shop wastes, human and animal excretions. We don’t think that there are a lot of people who uses a water resources. May be that water seems to be clear. But that carries a lot of germs, and diseases carrying substance. Many disease that challenges India is caused through water. In the banks of rivers some people cremated dead bodies, while raining the dead body’s waste flos to the river. These rivers carries a lot of kilometres. Some companies discharge their factory waste directly to the rivers. Government must take action against it. To protect the rivers and water sources are our duties.

  • Mahima

    May 24, 2021 at 12:11 am
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    Any material that harms the atmosphere or the species that exist in that environment is referred to as “pollution” and the harmful material is known as a pollutant. Pollutants create havoc on the environment, including the air, water, and soil.


    1) Air pollution

    2) Water pollution

    3) Noise pollution

    4) Land pollution

    5) Soil pollution

    6) Plastic pollution

    7) Thermal pollution and the list goes on.

    Water pollution- The most threatening environmental problem is water pollution. Industrial waste and sewage water is not treated properly before discharging into water bodies. Agricultural activities making use of fertilizers and pesticides are carried to the groundwater by rainwater. Solid waste is also dumped directly into the water bodies.


    a. Industrial waste

    b. Untreated sewage

    c. Pesticides and herbicides

    d. Oil spills

    how water pollution is harmful to human health:

    What are the effects of water contamination on humans? Drinking untreated water today can cause the body to respond automatically. At the very least, you’ll have a stomach ache. A year, 3,575,000 people die as a result of water-borne diseases!

    Contaminated water has the potential to transmit infectious diseases. Typhoid, Cholera, Paratyphoid Fever, Dysentery, Jaundice, Amoebiasis, and Malaria are some of the water-borne illnesses.

    Chemicals in the water can also be harmful to our bodies.

    Pesticides – the carbonates and organophosphates in pesticides can damage the nervous system and cause cancer. Chlorides can damage the reproductive system and the endocrine system.

    Nitrates are particularly harmful to babies who consume formula milk. It causes the “blue infant” syndrome by limiting the amount of oxygen in the brain.

    Lead – can build up in the body and do damage to the nervous system.

    Arsenic damages the kidneys cause skin cancer and cause vascular diseases.

    Fluoride – in large doses, they will turn your teeth yellow and damage your spinal cord.

  • Anushree

    May 24, 2021 at 4:44 pm
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    Pollution is one of the greatest and most dangerous threat to the society today and is increasing with each passing day, pollution is the contamination of the Earth through toxic materials which harms each and every living creature in the planet. Pollution can broadly classified into four types:

    1. Air Pollution

    2. Water Pollution

    3. Land Pollution

    4. Soil Pollution

    WATER POLLUTION: Contamination of the water bodies through many practices such as disposing off toxic untreated factory wastes directly into water bodies, performing domestic activities in water bodies such as bathing, washing clothes and utensils, immersing idols after festival and disposing off plastic and other non-biodegradable wastes into water is termed as water pollution.

    Water pollution is very much harmful as the amount of drinkable water on the Earth surface is already very less on top of that if the existing sources are also polluted then soon there will be no drinkable water left. Also, it harms the wide variety of creatures sustaining life in water bodies the toxic water no longer provides them a healthy environment and as a result they die. We human beings also consume see food or rather we consume these toxic creatures which transfers the toxicity to us.

    Its high time for us to adopt measures to keep a check on water pollution.

  • Kumari

    May 25, 2021 at 1:07 am
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    Water is one of the most important resource we have on our planet. All living beings such as animals, plants and human need water for the proper functioning on there systems. Water has various importance in everyone’s lives but today due to the involveness of factories and chimneys waste the water of the seas and oceans are getting polluted.
    Even though we have a lot of river and oceans but the water they have is very salty and contains garbage and harmfull chemicals which come out from the factories and cannot be consumed directly. That means only some amount of water is appropriate for intake. We should use the water effectively and make sure it is not wasted. We can reuse water in many ways possible and should save them from getting polluted.. Some of the ways of saving the water from getting polluted are:-
    • Dispose toxic chemicals properly.
    • Do Not Pour Fat and Grease Down the Drain
    • Use Phosphate-Free Detergent and Dish Cleaner
    • Dispose of Medical Waste Properly.
    • Report water polluters
    • Lessen down meat consumption.
    • Eat more organic food.
    • Wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a grassed area instead of a street.
    • Don’t pour your motor oil down the storm drain. Take it to the nearest auto parts store.
    • Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.
    • Go for non-toxic and biodegradable cleansers.
    • Avoid plastic containers and go for steel or fibre containers.
    • Make sure to clear your water tanks regularly and use alum.
    • Do not let the garbage or toxic chemical from the factories go to the seas and oceans.
    • Do not waste water. Try to reuse as much as possible like bathing pet in the lawn so that the water gets absorbed by the grass.

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