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Is unity important in team?
Posted by Shivani Thakkar on June 5, 2021 at 8:47 amIs unity important in team?
Anushree Ray replied 3 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Yes unity is the strength of any team . For having proper coronation with the team members you need to have unity in your team. Because team work is not an individual work , it is the team work all the members of a team need to co-operate with each other and with group members for effective functioning of the team. Unity will help any team to win in worst situation also. So unity is very important for a team . Unity will help you to fight with situation . You must help your team members when they need you . In any match one will win or one will loose. But only thing that is important to be kind and have patience . So unity is always required in any team .
Hope you will be satisfied with my answer!!
Thank you!!
Of course unity is very important in any kind of team in any field because it is very famous thing that you can break a single pencil but cannot break a bunch of pencils. so please remember that when you are working in a team your dreams are just not your dreams as a individual,but that dream is of your whole team as a individual. you should consider your team as individual whose target is very clear and you all working on that thing together. so it’s very important thing when you work in a team you should respect each others choices, we all know that in any relationship the very basic things that require to even talk to a stranger is respect. Respect goes both ways, you give respect take respect. it’s very simple concept. Hear their opinion, discuss it respect their choices because of course they are not stupid that they made a choice there must be some reason that they stated something. it’s a very simple thing that team make the dream work. because if you are working in a team there is something special that you cannot do alone, you need support from each other, you need guidance from each other to work on a single dream, to achieve them, so you should always make sure that you take everybody with you together and you work with everybody together.
We all have been growing up listening to the quote “United we stand and divided we fall” and this is one of the greatest lessons that one gets in life. Unity is a very small word but holds too many things with it. Human beings cannot survive alone every work we do requires support and team commitment be it a homely chore, or a thing to perform something with friends or a professional piece of work out there.
Unity also helps in maintaining social harmony and peace. It is very likely to face a lot of problems if people in a particular field are not united if they do not support each other in time this creates a mess which keeps on growing and finally results in a great outburst. Unity is a value of life which is taught to students in the very beginning of their primary education but it is not a topic which remains in the text books but need to be dealt practically and should be practiced regularly.
When we stand united, we stand strong it gives us motivation and positive energy to go towards something and accomplish our goals it also gives us a strong inner feeling that we are not alone and nothing can break us.
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