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Activity Discussion Essay Write an essay on child marriage.

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  • Nehal Rathi

    June 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    We as a whole are living in an era where gender equality is rising. Women empowerment is a much-discussed subject. Indian society is always known as a patriarchal society since time immemorial however it has made considerable progress to improve its status, however, there are still few provisions in our framework that need to be addressed. Marriage in India is one of the most important social institutions and marriage in India means establishing a family through which the society propagates. We live in an era where marriage is considered one go the most important thing ritual and customs to be performed. As soon as a girl turns 18 years of age, in a maximum of cases parents try to search for a so-called perfect guy for her and set her all ready for marriage.

    Section 5(iii) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 sets 18 years as the minimum age for the bride and 21 years as the minimum age for the groom. Child marriages are not illegal but can be declared void at the request of the minor in the marriage.*

    There are a lot of factors involved when it comes to the marriage of a child who just turned 18 years of age. As a matter of fact, we live in a society where society holds a lot of importance. Child marriage in India forces colossal family unit duties, particularly on blameless young lady child who is not intellectually and truly ready for it. Young men who are still minors are compelled to endure basic budgetary obligations and the entire family. Child marriage in India grabs the honest youth and the opportunity to play and gain from these children. This abhorrent practice hatches a more danger of contracting sexual infections like HIV AIDS and suffering domestic violence. Young ladies who get hitched at an exceptionally youthful age are less inclined to know about pregnancy and related themes. An infant born out of such a mother is bound to experience the ill effects of infirmities like hunger and many other problems. As sex education is still not a topic we openly talk about so girls of a young age are not aware of all of these things. And if a girl child is set to marriage at an early age there comes many problems like

    Early marriage also leads to an increase in divorce cases. Early marriage hinders a Child in many ways. Isolated and with restricted freedom, married girls often feel powerless.


  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    June 5, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Child marriage is strictly prohibited in our country. The age of below eighteen is the age of growth. They don’t have the capability to lead a marital life. Let them be free. They can study, go to school, have a good friendship. They want to know the world. What we get through their marriage? They won’t enjoy their life as a wife and a mother.

    Child marriage is a marriage of the children in between the age of ten to eighteen. Mostly the girl child are being the victims of it. But the government of India strictly prohibited it and give proper punishment to the defendant. And also ensures the right to education. It clearly means that children needs Education in that time. After they grew up they can choose their partner. As a child they don’t know about the life, marriage, relation anything.

  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    June 5, 2021 at 10:09 pm

    Child marriage is strictly prohibited in our country. The age of below eighteen is the age of growth. They don’t have the capability to lead a marital life. Let them be free. They can study, go to school, have a good friendship. They want to know the world. What we get through their marriage? They won’t enjoy their life as a wife and a mother.

    Child marriage is a marriage of the children in between the age of ten to eighteen. Mostly the girl child are being the victims of it. But the government of India strictly prohibited it and give proper punishment to the defendant. And also ensures the right to education. It clearly means that children needs Education in that time. After they grew up they can choose their partner. As a child they don’t know about the life, marriage, relation anything. The marital relationship leads the girl child to be a mother. She physically and mentally not fit to be a mother. This leads to a case of increasing the death rate of infants and mother. Like a precious relationship, marital relationship have many problems, may have problems with husband or other family members. As a child she can’t be handle the situation and become mentally depressed. The physical and mental condition completely destroys the early married girl child and have a early death.

  • Shweta

    June 7, 2021 at 11:06 am

    Child marriage ensures the stupidity of people who encourages such act. Compared to today’s time, earlier time was more crucial in the context of child marriage. The legal age of marrying a girl is 18 years and a boy is 21 years. marrying the child before this age is child marriage, which is totally illegal. People who promote this act only thinks about their responsiblity which has been completed by them but they don’t realise that they are spoiling the lives of two.

    According to be in a relationship of marriage, the two needs to be responsible towards the family and themselves. The children who are not even matured are tied in a knot of responsibility of families , spoils their lives. The real age is to study at that time, watch out the world what exactly it is and get matured, after being responsible and standing at their own legs, one can marry so that they can understand their responsibility well.

    This mostly happens with a girl child, the girl is being forced to marry at the very early age, mostly after their completion of std 12 studies. This is because a girl’s marriage is being taken as a burden to indian families that is the reason why small girls are being tied up by aged men.

    But we should understand that if a girl success by studying and getting a job, she will fulfil all her responsibilities. If she is self-dependent, and anyone leaves her, she will not be someone’s burden. So we should promote girls in studying and making them a good personality instead of worrying about a marriage in a small age.

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    June 7, 2021 at 12:05 pm

    Force full marriages of child before 18 is known as child marriage. It is very trending in villages and at remote areas. Child marriage is myth of India . People marriage their child and they think they will become responsibility free.

    Child marriage is one of the very bad practises of India.

    As at the time of playing and studing they wish to be responsible and get marriage. This destroys their career and their future.

    If someone looses there wife or husband than whole life will become burden for the other one.

    Girls also suffer health problems like unwanted pregnancy and pregnancy at very small age. Sometimes girls will also looses her life also.

    There should be strict bann on child marriage . Government should take action against it.

    Hope you will be satisfied with my answer.

    Thank you!!

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