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Activity Discussion Essay Management Reply To: Management

  • Shweta

    June 2, 2021 at 10:57 am
    Not Helpful

    Management is a process which teaches us to manage the things in a chronological manner. Anything done with a proper management results with a success. Henceforth, management should be processed with not till your workings but also with your time.

    Everybody has 24 hours in a day. And every work needs to be done in its own time. Henceforth, what needs to be done is to manage your workings into a specific time so that all works will be completed. Working according to the time management can help you the most to complete your workings and have proper rest and sleep as well.

    Every work needs to be managed properly with a chronology, hereafter some of the points can which needs to be taken care of can be:

    1) Planning: before starting your work, you should plan what to do and at what time, how much time the particular work should take and what things needs to be done. All these plannings , if done before, you will find easy while doing the work.

    2) Controlling: The work hours and the limited time should be controlled by you. It means you should be dedicated with your work during your working hours so that you can complete the work on time and move ahead with your another work.

    After such management, you can start with your work and your mind will be cleared with the workings. No mixed up and confusions will occur and you will face no rush, you will get punctual with your everyday routine and being punctual, you will do everything on time which is an impressive factor. So learn to manage your working and time. These things are interrelated with each other.

    If you get a habit of managing your things from now on, you will get habituated and your everyday routine will be stress free and without any rush.

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