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Activity Discussion Essay A day without mobile and internet.

  • Shweta

    June 11, 2021 at 5:59 pm

    Noone, especially the today’s generation can imagine their life without mobile and internet. Even according to the moods, not even for some days , one can imagine. People are so acquainted of the internet and mobile phones that they feel like nothing without it. It has become the part of our life, watching videos and movies, social media apps, talking on phones etc. Has made everyone used to it. If I would be getting a chance to live one day without internet and mobile phone, I would have done it and taken interest in other activities as well.

    Admiring the beauty of nature

    If I would be one day without my phone, I would wake up early to see the sunrise and the in the evening , the sunset. I would love to admire the beautiful scene of these. I would even admire the natural beauties by standing in front of the beach or river with a calm mind.

    Helping my mother in a kitchen

    The next thing I would love to do is to help my mother and talk to her while working in a kitchen. By this, I can even learn to cook dishes. Or I can do is to give rest to my mom for one day and I would handle the kitchen for one day. This can be done as well by me. Cooking is really a very interesting activity one can do.

    Reading novels

    I would even prefer to read novel and enjoy my own company. As reading novel improves the english vocabulary and I can as well practice on my speaking skills. I can study my course and textbooks as well without any distraction.


    I would love to exercise in my free time and make my body active and energetic, so that a day without phone shall not gets wasted in sleeping.

    Without phone and internet one day can give your mind a calm and beautiful relaxation and you can give time to yourself without any distraction. You can atleast experience it once a day.

  • Anushree Ray

    June 11, 2021 at 8:43 pm

    In today’s world where we all are wrapped from top to bottom with technology right from the time, we get up in the morning till the time we go to bed to sleep our personal assistant and all-time companion as well as savior is our mobile phone with an active internet connection in it. A day without mobile or even the internet connection is no less than a nightmare. Internet nowadays is our answer to every possible question on this earth and especially since the pandemic hit us the use of the internet and technology has logarithmically increased as because everything has been shifted to the online platform. At such point of time internet and mobile has become a necessity and life without these is almost impossible without these.

    A day without mobile and internet can provide one with complete relaxation but will be a complete unproductive day at the same time as students will not be able to continue with their teaching learning process and working men and women will have to sit idle. Internet has become a primary necessary to be connected to the world nowadays, a person who is not technologically advanced is not kept in much use and is often referred to as backdated.

  • Jyothi krishna Prakash

    June 11, 2021 at 10:52 pm

    Mobile phones and internet are now the part of our daily life. Most of us took phone and switch on internet and scrolling through social medias at first we woke up. Only after that we sat and take morning prayer. After the breakfast and other works again I took my phone that is my daily routines.

    But i love to spend time without mobile phones and internet. Sometimes it happens when my data offer get expired. At that time i woke up with out open my phone. After brushing i went out to the front yard and comb the hair by hearing the sounds of nature. And take a look to our garden flowers. Took breakfast and watch television. Try to help my mom in cooking and do some chit chat with her. Then spent some time to read books and write something. Or to arrange my room. In the evening time me and my mother take a evening walk. That is our favourite hobby. Through this time we talks to our neighbours, evaluate the beauty of nature, mother shares her memories about her childhood etc. In the night time i went to our terrace and sat there. Sometimes the moon is very beautiful that can’t capture through any cameras, but through the heart. I imagine that the moon i lord Shiva and tries to talk to him. While sitting there i feel sleepy and goes to bed. If not get sleep i choose a novel or poem to read. The ambiance of night, moon and cold breeze is a very precious experience that I have. If i have internet and mobile phones i do it once in a week.

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