Sometimes we get questions from mobile businesses that are just starting out as to which channels you can use to communicate with users.
Of course, our answer is: use channels that your users like! And if you don’t know what those channels are, you MUST ask them.
However, there is a great deal of confusion and scratching when it comes to the difference between app notifications and SMS. That is: when should a voter choose one another?
Selecting push vs SMS notifications is tricky. There are some situations where one works better than the other. So how are the two channels different, and where should you use push vs SMS notifications?
SMS Notifications: When to Use Them
If you remember, SMS represents a short messaging service.
It is an old messaging technology that relies on mobile phone carriers, cell towers, and body phones to receive messages from sender to receiver, no WiFi required. Just a network signal and a mobile phone.
And yet, despite its age, it is a powerhouse channel: responsiveness rates from SMS messages are 209% higher than voice calls, Facebook, or email marketing campaigns.
In fact, according to a 2018 survey conducted by Emarsys, 29% of targeted customers respond to SMS with 47% of potential responders purchasing.