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Activity Discussion Math BODMAS and its importance

  • Aruja

    June 22, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    BODMAS is a very useful method that helps you to solve mathematical problems. It is important rule to follow because if you want follow it your answer will always be wrong. The rule that tells you how to solve a problem in a specific order to obtain more quick, accurate and right answer is known as ” order of operation ” and without applying them properly you won’t get your correct answer.

    This is the full form and complete meaning of BODMAS.

    B – brackets (whenever you solve a problem you need to first solve the part that is into a bracket).

    O – order (then we solve the number that have powers or are in roots) .

    D – division

    M – multiplication

    A – addition

    S – subtraction

  • Anushree Ray

    June 22, 2021 at 8:48 pm

    BODMAS is a technique in mathematics, it is useful in solving complex simplification and operations which consists of many sub operations, in such a situation many a times we fail to recognize which operation to perform first. BODMAS helps in getting which operation to deal with and gives the order to operate mathematical problem, if someone fails or misinterprets this order the solution comes out to be wrong and leads to mistake. This order is taught to students in the primary level but is used throughout. BODMAS stands for:


    O- OF





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