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Activity Discussion Science & Technology Can one bit of light bounce off another bit of light?


  • Shivani Thakkar

    June 29, 2021 at 8:12 am

    Yes, one light can emit another light, but not directly, and the effect is not very noticeable. Light is made up of many microscopic particles called photons. When you turn on the light, the light bulb begins to create and emit trillions of trillions of photons. Photons are in the category of quantum particles known as bosons. Bosons are special because many bonuses can have an equal quantum shape at the same time. The light emitted by the bonnets is what makes a laser beam. A laser beam is a collection of many photons all in the same quantum state. In contrast, particles that have no particles cannot stay in one place at a time. This is one of the effects that keeps the atoms from falling apart. The principle that non-bosses can be in the same situation is called the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Non-bosons are also called fermions. The fact that light boxes can fit in the same position means that they do not fit into each other.

    Also, light is highly correlated with electrical charges. Since light alone has no electrical energy, one photon cannot interact directly with another photon. Instead, they simply pass by on their own. Because they are belts and because they do not carry electricity, one photon cannot directly detect another photon. If you point at one water jet to another water jet, then where they cross you will find water splashing everywhere due to a collision. Conversely, if you illuminate one tree of light so that it falls into another light, they will simply pass each other unaffected.

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