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Activity Discussion Grammar & Vocabulary Why and when do write an informal letter?

  • Sakchi Srivastav

    May 12, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Firstly why do we write informal letter;

    This is also a way of communication. We can share or give any information through informal letter . This is a kind of non – verbal communication . Basically there are two kinds of letter writing formal and Informal .

    Formal letter is send to our working place , it is always professional. Like letter to editor .

    But informal letter is mostly send to our family members, friends and in case of informal works . So it donot have any layout or you can say pattern . It is a kind of personal communication . You not need to be professional at this . You have right to frame this informal letter as according to you. The basic purpose of writing informal letter is Communication .

    You can write informal letter to your friends , relatives , your loved ones etc.

    Now let us talk when do we write informal letter .

    We had already discussed that informal letter doesn’t contain any kind of format or pattern . You can write in your own way. You can add emojis also. It may also in laymen language. Basically, it is non – specific .

    So, we may write informal letter to invite our friends for birthday parties and celebrations.

    In that case when we are unable to go for personal invitation , we can write informal letter and sent it.

    For information , regarding funeral of something and any other kind of information we may write informal letter.

    Praposal letter is also a kind of informal letter .

    Invitation for marriage , is also informal letter because it donot have any layout or format.

    In these situations we write informal letter, basically it is personal communication .

    Thank you!!

  • Aruja

    May 12, 2021 at 1:04 pm

    Every educated person should know how to write a clear and readable letter. Everyone has sometimes to write business letters of some sort, and may have to face the problem of writing an important letter that will vitally affect his interest in life. The art of letter writing is, therefore,no mere ornamental accomplishment, but something that every educated person must acquire for practical reasons.

    Letters are messages, and certain letter-forms have been established by experience ans custom as the most useful forms learned and used by every letter-writer, for neglect of them is a sign of ignorance and carelessness.

    There are several different kinds of letter ( such as friendly, business letters, letter to editor, any service providing department, etc ) each of which has it’s own particular form.

    The forms of letters are classified according to the purpose of writing.

    1) Social letter; including friendly letters and notes of invitations.

    2) Business letters; including letters of applications, letters to government officers, letters to newspapers.

    Here we will talk about social letter ( friendly or informal letters)

    Letters to relatives and intimate friends should be written in an easy, conversational style. They can be in a way that we are doing a friendly chat, applying rules and spontaneous compositions, they are informal and free and easy to write. We can write on any topic in any order we like there is no boundaries in number of words or in order that we write the letter formally, salutation, etc, But after all these liberties it doesn’t mean that we can write a ill composed or thoughtless letter, without any useful topic in letter. So we must take care and preserve some order in expressing out thoughts. So even when we are writing a informal letter we should take care of punctuation’s, grammar, idiom, phrases, spellings, etc while writing. However we can surely ignore the advance language or perfect content order. As mistakes in spellings, grammar, punctuation’s, are sign of that a uneducated person is writing a letter.

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