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Tagged: @Environment, afforestation, deforestation, forests
Posted by Ishita Gupta on May 20, 2021 at 2:46 pmwhat methods we should take to prevent deforestation?
tanya bajaj replied 3 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Deforestation has become one of the major problems in the current situation. The trees are being cut to satisfy the needs of the greedy people. It is adjustable in limits but the trees are being cut in numerous amounts. If this continues, there will be a day you were not even a single tree is found. So, it is very important to protect them as it is the part of the life. We have no rights to cut them. So, it is our responsibility to save them and use them in limits.
Let us know look into some of the methods to prevent deforestation.
The major and important method to prevent deforestation is afforestation. It is very important to plan the saplings in order to maintain the balanced ecosystem. Monster take the average station as a challenge and must plant at least 3 to 4 saplings. This prevents deforestation in a good way.
•Limit the usage:-
Limiting the usage helps to prevent deforestation. This can help to reduce the use of the things which are obtained From the trees such as wood, plywood, fuel etc. That is, one must reduce the usage of the goods provided by the trees. In this way the use of the resources provided by the trees are reduced and it helps to prevent deforestation.
It is not one’s problem but it is the whole world’s problem. So, it is very important to take a step forward to prevent deforestation and must bring awareness among the people who are wasting the goods obtained from the trees.
“The death of the forest is the end of our life”.
— Dorothy Stang
Definition of Deforestation:
Deforestation, clearance, clearcutting, or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand off trees from land that is then converted to non-forest use. Deforestation can involve conversion off forest land to farms, ranches, or urban use.*
Reasons of Deforestation:
Deforestation is occurring wherever in the world for various reasons that vary from place to place and region to region. Huge spaces of rainforests in various tropical nations have been annihilated to part of make different types of oil extraction, different types of plantation etc. The expanding worldwide interest for wood items have increased the risk of many ancient forests around the world, regardless of fact whether it is for paper items, furniture or fuel.
Finishing deforestation is the most obvious opportunity we need to settle our environment, save natural life species and also protect our well-being. One should protect trees regardless of anything, it should a mutual responsibility of each and every person.
What can we do?
– One should plant trees or plants as such they can.
– One should use less paper products, as paper is extracted from trees.
– One should recycle papers and cardboards.
– One should try using recyclable products.
– One should avoid buying woods.
– One should practise eco-friendly foresting.
– One should avoiding cutting tress for residential use.
– One should avoid use a lot Palm oil.
– One should avoid use products which emit a alot of gasses which are harmful for the environment.
– One should use only sustainable wood products.
– One should avoid purchasing products which causes a lot of harm to the environment.
– One should promote organic products, which causes less harm to the environment.
– One should also try donate money to organisation who promote afforestation.
Deforestation is defined as the large-scale removal of trees from forests for the facilitation of other human activities. Trees, as we know are an indispensable part of our biodiversity. Without trees, there is no life!
Cutting down trees to use that land for our own needs is termed deforestation. It mainly affects the ecosystem, causes disturbance in the water cycle, damages the natural habitat of other living beings, and also induces soil erosion. Trees are the foremost reason for our living. In India, approximately 31% of the land is covered with forests. They are our principal source of oxygen, food, water, and medicines. Also, they play a major role in the water cycle by adding water to the atmosphere through the process of transpiration. They also absorb the greenhouse gases, acts as a carbon storehouse, thus limiting climate change. They even try to prevent soil erosion by providing mechanical support to the soil. They also try to protect our Mother Earth from some natural calamities by acting as a floodwater sink.
If they are providing us so much selflessly, we should also do our part by planting more trees and not cutting them! We should plant more and more trees. Like the way we celebrate our birthdays, we should also include one activity of planting a tree on that day to give back something to nature. Also, we should use recycled products like books, paper bags, etc. By using more of these items, we are continuously reducing the demand for timber in the environment. Also, we should lower the use of palm oil in our lives. Majority of the palm oil is grown in recently cleared lands. We should, for a fact, know that the world’s palm oil production comes from Indonesia and Malaysia, where the virgin rainforest is generally cleared at a disturbing rate to make way for new plantations.
To avoid deforestation, we should in fact plant more trees in our neighborhood. Also, there is a need to spread awareness of planting more trees.
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