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Activity Discussion Environment Environment

  • Ishita Gupta

    May 22, 2021 at 12:19 pm

    Plants are the most precious gift of the world.Afforestation and deforestation is both related to plants. These two very different kinds of movement. So let’s lean about it –

    Difference between Afforestation and deforestation:-

    1) Afforestation mean planting of trees,when we increase the planting of trees it’s called Afforestation. And Deforestation is exact opposite of afforestation it means cutting down of plants, when we increase destroying trees it called deforestation.

    2) Afforestation left a very positive impact on our environment, it will nourish our environment in every possible way, on the other hand deforestation left a very negative impact towards our nature, citing down of will be make destructive consequences in the environment.

    3) Trees are the biggest friend of mankind, if we increase planting trees , it will provide us with food, medicine and many important resources which can make us prosperous, that’s why afforestation is a very good step. But deforestation throw us towards a destructive future by cutting down of trees.

    4) Afforestation will heal our environment prevent pollution, soil erosion, flood, drought etc, but Deforestation will damage our nature, if stop planting and destroy it then pollution, flood, drought , soli will increase day by day.

    5) Afforestation can prevent global warming, but deforestation increase global warming .

    6) Afforestation will save the world and mankind, but deforestation will destroy the world and mankind.

    7) Afforestation will make us prosperous in many possible way, but deforestation destroy our lives and nature.

    8) Afforestation will increase the fertilize rate of soil, but deforestation will decrease the fertilize rate of soil.

    9) Afforestation will prevent pollution, like soil pollution,water pollution,air pollution etc

    and heal our nature, on the other hand deforestation will increase pollution day by day.

    10) We should increase afforestation, on the other hand we should decrease deforestation .

  • Ishita Gupta

    May 22, 2021 at 12:20 pm

    Plants are the most precious gift of the world.Afforestation and deforestation is both related to plants. These two very different kinds of movement. So let’s lean about it –

    Difference between Afforestation and deforestation:-

    1) Afforestation mean planting of trees,when we increase the planting of trees it’s called Afforestation. And Deforestation is exact opposite of afforestation it means cutting down of plants, when we increase destroying trees it called deforestation.

    2) Afforestation left a very positive impact on our environment, it will nourish our environment in every possible way, on the other hand deforestation left a very negative impact towards our nature, citing down of will be make destructive consequences in the environment.

    3) Trees are the biggest friend of mankind, if we increase planting trees , it will provide us with food, medicine and many important resources which can make us prosperous, that’s why afforestation is a very good step. But deforestation throw us towards a destructive future by cutting down of trees.

    4) Afforestation will heal our environment prevent pollution, soil erosion, flood, drought etc, but Deforestation will damage our nature, if stop planting and destroy it then pollution, flood, drought , soli will increase day by day.

    5) Afforestation can prevent global warming, but deforestation increase global warming .

    6) Afforestation will save the world and mankind, but deforestation will destroy the world and mankind.

    7) Afforestation will make us prosperous in many possible way, but deforestation destroy our lives and nature.

    8) Afforestation will increase the fertilize rate of soil, but deforestation will decrease the fertilize rate of soil.

    9) Afforestation will prevent pollution, like soil pollution,water pollution,air pollution etc

    and heal our nature, on the other hand deforestation will increase pollution day by day.

    10) We should increase afforestation, on the other hand we should decrease deforestation .

  • Anushree Ray

    May 22, 2021 at 3:26 pm

    Plants are trees are the most essentials to sustain life on Earth. Plants and tress provide all the living creatures with food and oxygen without the availability of these two lives would be impossible. Plants also help in the process of rain and thus keeps the water cycle in order. We often hear two most commonly used terms associated with plants and trees that is firstly Deforestation and secondly afforestation. Deforestation is the practice of cutting down of trees for human need whereas on the other hand afforestation is the practice of planting a greater number of trees to benefit the living creatures.

    Harm which deforestation causes:

    1. Trees bind the roots of the soil and thus help in avoiding soil erosion, once the trees are cut the soil is left loose and is eroded very easily.

    2. Tress provide us with oxygen and absorbs the carbon dioxide, with a smaller number of trees around carbon dioxide emitted by us is not being absorbed at a greater rate and as a result global warming is increasing.

    3. With forests being cleared many wild animals are losing home and thus are exposed out as a result of which many of them even die, this is destroying the balance between the flora and fauna and is creating a great ecological imbalance.

    4. Trees play an important role in rain with a smaller number of tress even the rain cycle is getting disturbed which is causing water scarcity and many other problems.

    Benefits of afforestation:

    1. More number of trees ensures more production of oxygen and food materials.

    2. More trees help in keeping a healthy greener environment.

    3. More trees ensures that the water cycle is alright and there is more rain.

  • Anushree Ray

    May 22, 2021 at 3:47 pm

    Plants are trees are the most essentials to sustain life on Earth. Plants and tress provide all the living creatures with food and oxygen without the availability of these two lives would be impossible. Plants also help in the process of rain and thus keeps the water cycle in order. We often hear two most commonly used terms associated with plants and trees that is firstly Deforestation and secondly afforestation. Deforestation is the practice of cutting down of trees for human need whereas on the other hand afforestation is the practice of planting a greater number of trees to benefit the living creatures.

    Difference between afforestation and deforestation:

    1. Trees bind the roots of the soil and thus help in avoiding soil erosion, deforestation leaves the soil unbound and thus gets eroded easily on the other hand afforestation binds the soils and preserves the fertile top layer.

    2. Tress provide us with oxygen and absorbs the carbon dioxide, with a smaller number of trees around carbon dioxide emitted by us is not being absorbed at a greater rate and as a result global warming is increasing on the other hand afforestation ensures more production of oxygen and food materials.

    3. With forests being cleared many wild animals are losing home and thus are exposed out as a result of which many of them even die, this is destroying the balance between the flora and fauna and is creating a great ecological imbalance on the other hand afforestation help in keeping a healthy greener environment.

    4. Trees play an important role in rain with a smaller number of tress even the rain cycle due to deforestation it is getting disturbed which is causing water scarcity and many other problems on the other hand more trees ensures that the water cycle is alright and there is more rain.

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