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Activity Discussion Environment Environment

  • Ishita Gupta

    June 28, 2021 at 1:59 pm

    Why water is important for plants:-

    Plants are the source of our living. It is most important to take care of them. Water is needed to make food for plants. Water is important for the life and survival of all plants.Water is also a vital thing for the transportation of nutrients and sugars from the soil to the plants. All plants will have water shortage or drought at some point. This can be fatal in some cases or very slow the growth of those plants. If a plant suffers from a prolonged drought it can be left Susceptible to secondary infection by pests and pathogens. Water is important part of photosynthesis. Many times water in front of rain washes the dust and dirt deposited on leaves by vehicles and helps the stomata in exchanging gases. Water is the most essential part of our living and it has also caused a major impact on the survival of plants. There are some reason why water is important for plants:-

    Water helps the germination process of the plants.

    Water has a major part in the process of photosynthesis by which plants prepare their food.

    Water transports the nutrients and minerals from the soil to the plants, which helps plants for their growth.

    Water maintains the plant structure by providing the accurate pressure to the plant tissues.

    Water gives habitat as ponds, rivers, lakes and sea for a large number of plants.

    Why shouldn’t we use soap water in plants?

    Soaps are great for cleaning our bodies. But the human body is very different from the body of plants. So this thing can cause harmful effects on the plant’s body. So there are some reason why we shouldn’t use soap water in plants:-

    If you use laundry water or detergent water for plants, these contain many harmful chemicals which can damage the plants. Many laundry products contain boron , Chlorine compounds which have fairly high levels, which can be toxic to plants.

    Soapy water has so many chemicals which are harmful for plants, sometimes it affects the fertility level of the plants.

    If you use dish soap in plants it will remove their natural defences against pests and diseases. You will make your plants to get sick, and maybe die by using soap water.

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