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Activity Discussion Environment What is environmental pollution? How is it caused?

  • What is environmental pollution? How is it caused?

    Posted by Anushree Ray on May 11, 2021 at 5:26 pm

    What is environmental pollution? How is it caused?

    • This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  Kidpid.
    Mahima replied 3 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Nehal Rathi

    May 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm


    In simple language, environment Pollution is the addition of contaminants into the natural environment that causes detrimental effects to nature, natural resources and mankind. Any unnatural and negative changes in all the dimensions like chemical, physical and biological characteristics of any component of the ecosystem i.e. air, water or soil which can cause harmful effects on various forms of life and property is called environmental pollution.

    Environmental pollution is not a new phenomenon, yet it remains the world’s greatest problem facing humanity, and the leading environmental causes of morbidity and mortality. When man’s shifted from urban areas to industrial are , mining and exploration are the main reason of global environmental pollution. Pollution must be taken seriously, as it has a negative effect on natural elements that are an absolute need for life to exist on earth, such as water and air. Indeed, without it, or if they were present in different quantities, animals – including humans – and plants could not survive. We can identify several types of pollution on Earth: air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. We humans are main factors of environment pollution. The seeped at which developments are happening we are destroying our nature from our hand.

    What causes pollutants?

    Any substance which causes harmful effects or uneasiness in the organisms, then that particular substance may be called as the pollutant.

    The materials that cause pollution are of two types:

    1. Persistent pollutants: Those pollutants which remain consistent in the environment for a long period of time without any change in its original form are called persistent pollutants. For example pesticides, nuclear wastes, and plastics etc.

    2. Non-persistent pollutants: These pollutants are the opposite of persistent pollutant and break down in the simple form. If this process of breaking down is done by living organisms, then such pollutants are referred to as biodegradable pollutants.

    Main reason of the destruction are-

    1. Industrial Growth – Industries have been polluting our environment, especially since the beginning of the industrial revolution, as mentioned above, notably due to the increasing use of fossil fuels. In the 19th century and for a significant part of the 20th century, coal has been used to make machines work faster, replacing human force. At the same time, if the tanker transporting petrol from its production plant to the place where it will be consumed leaks or sinks, the water will get contaminated.

    2. Increased use of Transportation – Ever since men abandoned animal power to travel, pollution of the environment has become higher and higher. Its levels have only been increasing until now. Similarly to industries, pollution caused by transport can mainly be attributed to fossil fuels.

    3. Agricultural Activities – Agriculture is mainly responsible for the contamination of water and soil. This is caused by the increased use of pesticides, as well as by the intensive character of its production. Almost all pesticides are made from chemical substances and are meant to keep diseases and threatening animals away from the crops.

    4. People shifting from rural to urban areas – In search of job opportunities people have started migrating. They have starting converting forests into Residential areas, which also provide their fair share of pollution as well. First, to be able to build homes, the natural environment has to be destroyed in one way or another.

  • Mahima

    May 12, 2021 at 11:51 pm


    Any material that harms the atmosphere or the species that exist in that environment is referred to as “pollution” and the harmful material is known as a pollutant. Pollutants create havoc on the environment, including the air, water, and soil.


    1) Air pollution

    2) Water pollution

    3) Noise pollution

    4) Land pollution

    5) Soil pollution

    6) Plastic pollution

    7) Thermal pollution and the list goes on.


    Environmental pollution occurs when there is an unfavorable shift in the environment that harms plants and animals. Harmful substances are released into the environment such as water bodies, soil, or air.

    Environmental pollution can lead to serious health issues such as:

    1) Respiratory disease

    2) Different allergies

    3) Mental disorders

    4) Cancer

    5) Cholera

    6) Stroke

    7) Asthma


    Due to industrialization, urbanization there has been a rise in environmental pollution. One more important factor contributing to environmental pollution is an increase in population.

    Environmental pollution is generally of 5 types namely; air, water, soil, and noise pollution.

    1) AIR POLLUTION– It is a widely spreading and major issue today. Due to industrialization, many industries are being set up and they emit smoke, fumes in large amounts through their chimneys. Smoke from automobiles, all this smoke gets to mix with the air and pollute the air that we breathe. Hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide are among the hazardous gases and particulates contained in car exhaust fumes. These gases rise into the atmosphere, where they combine with other gases to produce even more poisonous gases. These poisonous gases harm the organisms, flora, and fauna. The dry leaves, wood, dry garbage are mostly burned in the villages while cooking food also produces air pollution.



    b. Garbage burning

    c. biomass burning

    d. automobile

    Example: You must have seen that the farmers of U.P and Haryana burn Paddy(residue called parali)which causes air pollution.

    2) WATER POLLUTION: The most threatening environmental problem is water pollution. Industrial waste and sewage water is not treated properly before discharging into water bodies. Agricultural activities making use of fertilizers and pesticides are carried to the groundwater by rainwater. Solid waste is also dumped directly into the water bodies.


    a. Industrial waste

    b. Untreated sewage

    c. Pesticides and herbicides

    d. Oil spills

    3) SOIL POLLUTION: The degradation of land as a result of human activities and the mismanagement of land resources is referred to as land pollution. This happens when humans use pesticides and herbicides on the soil. Also, when pollutants from other degraded lands are transported to the soil of other areas through rain and floods. Hospitals do not dispose of their biomedical waste properly like used syringes, tools, etc.


    a. Chemical fertilizers

    b. Biomedical waste

    c. Garbage dumping

    d. Use of plastics

    4)Noise pollution: Noise is created by factories, household activities, and automobiles. Noise pollution is rising due to the rise in pollution, urbanization. It can impact the human body in a very severe way; it can lead to stress and anxiety, insomnia, etc.


    a. Automobile noise

    b. Factories machines noise

    c. Loud music at parties

    d. Drilling the ground noise


    a. Say no to plastic bags

    b. Use public transport

    c. Say no to crackers

    d. Do not burn dry waste

    e. Practice principle of 3R’s

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