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Environmental day
Posted by Sakchi Srivastav on June 4, 2021 at 11:29 amWhat must be the motive behind celebrating environmental day.
Ishita Gupta replied 3 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year to underline the significance of nature and the environment. This day is especially to create awareness of the environment and nature. It is celebrated to remind the people of nature’s kindness towards us. We should understand that nature has been so kind to us without any selfish reason, so we should also be kind towards the environment.
With this pandemic situation rolling over our heads, the environment has received its benefit lately. People could not go out to litter the garbage on the roads, or to destroy the water bodies by dumping the garbage out there.
World Environment Day is one of the greatest events created by the United Nations to create knowledge importance of nature and its greenery. It was started in the year 1974 in the US. In the initial year, it was celebrated with the theme ‘Only One Earth’. The themes keep on changing every passing year. Pakistan is the Global year for the big day. The theme for this year is “Ecosystem Restoration”. In 2020, the theme for World Environment Day was “Celebrate Biodiversity”.
The main intention behind glorifying this day is to highlight the greatness of the environment and to evoke to people that nature should not be taken for granted. It is observed in all the countries to appreciate and recognize everything that the environment has given us and to take the pledge that we will protect it. On this day, the focus of the government and the people of the country remains on the one issue that is addressed by the theme of Environment Day.
People mostly blame the environment for everything, they should rather blame themselves for the harm that they are causing to the environment. It is said that the greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
Motives behind celebrate environment day:-
June 5 th is celebrate as world environment day all around the globe. It is the day to spread awareness about the importance of our environment in our lives and how should we protect it. It is also served as “People’s Day” for doing something positive for the environment.June 5 th is declared as world environment day by UN General Assembly at the Stockholm conference on Human environment in 1972. The first world environment day is celebrated in 1974 in Spokane, United Kingdom. The main agenda of this day is to keep protect the lungs of our planet. One step better environment today is the one step forward a better future. The environment damage leads to other crisis of global warming, floods droughts etc. For million of years nature provide us everything to live a better life and many things like clothes, air, food, light, furniture and many more. If we didn’t take immediate measure to preserve and rescue the environment it will impact on us negatively. There can be many ways to protect our environment, we discuss these matters on this day. Many people are not aware of grave implications of environment degradation , these days is to aware them. The most significant environment issue are global warming, climate change, and the green house effect, we can spread awareness on this topics. As a member of the world society we can appeal to each other of us to work sincerely to bring about a restoration in the world environment. We can organised seminar, Lecture, concert to spread awareness about this matter. Our environment is the most essential part of our lives so the environment day is like to celebrate the environment so it has to be so important so all of as a human being.
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