Everyone has a dream in life. Dreams make us keep going in life. It gives us a reason to live so everyone should have a dream. Dreams give our life proper direction and meaning. It shapes your choices and helps to build a bright future. You have a hope in life for a dream. It is the only thing which can get you through the worst days. It is the reason that despite having any hardship you want to wake up in the morning. It is the secret of living. We are nothing without dreams. It gives us inspiration to work hard. If anytime we fail in any work dream motivates us to move forward and work harder. It maintains positivity in life. And positivity is so important for our mental health. Dreams also improve our ability and talent. You polish our ability just to achieve our dreams. It gives us courage and creativity. Dreams are things for which we can go to any level. There should be no point in going to school , having education or doing any job. It just becomes worthless without a dream. Dreams change us by time. We become reckless and pointless without any dream. It is the main mantra of success in life. So every small to big person should have a dream. Dreams have the power to change our destiny. Like if a boy of labor has a dream to become an engineer and he tries so hard to achieve his dream it completely changes his lifestyle. So it is proven that dreams are so important for our lives. Without dream we can’t be human we just become an machine. So have a dream and try hard to achieve it.