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Activity Discussion Essay essay


  • Ishita Gupta

    June 22, 2021 at 1:29 pm

    Knowledge is power

    Knowledge is the most important thing in our lives. We can’t achieve anything without knowledge. If you gain the knowledge, then you become powerful of knowledge through out your life. This statement “knowledge is power” given by Sir Francis Bacon. If you want to be a winner in life knowledge is the only way to achieve it. In all our good and bad times knowledge is the only thing to understand the difference between them. In any stressful situations people with knowledge always have the power to deal with it. Knowledge is the light over the darkness of Illiteracy and superstition. Knowledge always guide us to the right path in life. Knowledge is a undefeated power which always defeat other powers of human hand. Human can became independent with the help of knowledge. Physical strength or money is nothing in front of the power of knowledge. Knowledge help you to gain respect in everyone eyes. You can achieve fame, success, power everything only by your knowledge. The first towards knowledge is education. Education can increase your power of knowledge. The more you become educate the more you gain your knowledge. can make us a better thinker, education can make our development and made us a better person. It can also improve our personality and attitude. Education gives us the ability to write and read. We learn alphabet, sentence , numbers every thing to make us able to read and write.Free education can increase the rate of literacy in our country so our country can be get more develop and modern. We can be the best country in whole world and education in the main thing to do that. So it is proved that “knowledge is power”is the most accurate and valuable statement which apply in everyone’s life.

  • tanya bajaj

    June 24, 2021 at 1:41 am

    There is a popular saying “Every educated person is not knowledgeable, but every knowledgeable person is educated”. This may seem a bit backward, but it is true. Nearly all the people are educated these days in their fields, but only some of them have an in-depth understanding of their subjects.

    Knowledge is something that remains with us throughout our lives. The way we say that we have got a life lesson, the same way is knowledge. We gain knowledge from our experiences. Knowledge is the most important tool in life, as it has the capability to create and destroy life on Earth as well. KNowledge, if used in the right way, can be very advantageous to human life. It all depends on whether it is in the right hands or not. People may use knowledge in the wrong way as well. Like, we are acknowledging people who create bombs, or plan bomb blasts in parts of the country have an evil mind and they are obviously using their knowledge in the wrong path of life. Moreover, knowledge also helps to distinguish between humans and animals. Using your experience to help others in different phases of life is termed knowledge.

    Knowledge is something that helps you in different spheres of life. It helps you to drive a car, manage a business deal, solve a puzzle, etc. It is something that stops people from repeating their mistakes again and again. Knowledge can’t be bought, it has to be earned. It comes to people mostly with experience. Even if a person gains in-depth knowledge of a subject or anything, they may receive utmost knowledge in that field.

    Some people don’t share their knowledge with others. But they should know the more you share, the more knowledge you gain. It helps us to reach the success ladders in life.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 24, 2021 at 2:23 pm

    Knowledge is very important in everyone’s life. The person without the knowledge is like the bird without the wings. It is very important to know what is happening across the world. So, it is very important to attain the general knowledge. To grab general knowlede, an individual must follow some of the techniques like reading books, articles, magazines, newspapers etc.

    The newspaper consists of all the important things like the business purposes, sports, entertainment, some interesting puzzles, Hindi habits, food recipes, Current affairs etc.

    Reading newspaper is an important thing because whenever an individual comes across a motivational thing, he or she will be motivated and focuses on the particular aspect. The individual will get to know the current affairs. The person will get a good grip on the general knowledge. solving puzzles improves the skills of the person. Reading about the healthy habits in the newspaper makes the individual to go for good and healthier meals.

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