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Write an essay on positive approach towards life.
Posted by Mahima on May 12, 2021 at 1:57 pmWrite an essay on positive approach towards life.
This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Kumari replied 3 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies -
This discussion was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
4 Replies
Positive approach towards life is a very crucial one. Everyone looks at the situation in a different manner but it doesn’t mean to look in a negative manner. There are people who don’t understand things and behaves very childish. I did write some rules to have a positive approach towards our life. The following are the rules to have a positive approach towards our life.
1. Thinking positive:-
Thinking positive, that is thinking in the right manner is very important. Before coming to a conclusion, an individual must think weather it is right or wrong. It is very easy to give a negative impression on the situation, but it is very difficult to come across it. It is comparatively very easy to draw a negative impression on someone else but it is a tough situation when comes to you. So, never come to a conclusion without thinking twice or thrice.
2. Correcting someone else:-
Being positive doesn’t mean only you to be positive but it is also equally important to correct others who are not understanding the situation and are in a negative approach towards the situation. Correcting others might take 5 to 10 minutes but the change in them is in their whole life. One should never feel shy or guilty to correct someone else’s mistake. As a human, it is the responsibility of the person to correct someone else’s mistake.
3. Never fell low at an failure:-
And individual must never feel low when they fail in any situation. Instead, they should try and try until they succeed. Everyone must learn from their mistakes and failures rather than crying over the failures. Failing in a situation or an aspect is OK but failing again is not up to the mark. One must learn from their failures and mistakes and must gain the attention and the knowledge and must grow up.
To deal with any situation keeping a positive attitude, that is, to act optimistically is known as positive approach.
You might have heard phrases like- see the glass as half full. This means to look on the positive side. The glass is half empty, that’s true. But if we look on the positive side, it’s half full too. You can either stress over stuffs or think differently, a bit positively. It’s easier to point out mistakes but the solution lies within. You may criticize someone easily . And that’s, at times, good but that is a negative approach – just to criticize and to leave things. No! You can always look for solutions and alternatives. Thus, you just have to change the way you take things. Life becomes easier if you start dealing with things positively.
1. If you don’t like something or find a problem in something, instead of criticizing it, try to find an alternative as to how you can overcome it.
2. Do you start panicking in troublesome situations?? Well, if that’s the case ask yourself one thing- ‘will this sort things out?’
Obviously not!! Panicking over anything will not solve the problem. Thinking about a solution will do. Panic will create stress and you will eventually lose your mind and the problem which might be on a scale of 6/10 will start appearing as 10/10 difficult. Every problem comes with a solution. And if you don’t find any, leave things on time. Things will eventually fall into place. You need to maintain your calm at all costs. As said, being positive makes life easier.
3. Talk about your problems- if you find it difficult then share your problems with friends and family. They can help you through this. Keeping things in mind and not talking to anyone will do no good. It will just eat you up and your overthinking will increase many fold. Thus, it’s always wise to ask for help.
4. Read good books, to keep yourself motivated. There’s a hope in everything. Even a small ant struggles for its life, we are humans with a well developed physique and intelligence. We can do much better. Thus, keeping oneself motivated through books and poems plays an important role in maintaining a positive attitude.
5. Do not hesitate to learn and adapt. If someone goes against or criticizes your work or points out your mistake, don’t get disheartened. In fact, look on the positive side, that is, you got a chance to learn more. Grab that opportunity and learn from your mistakes. With each mistake you head towards perfection, provided you learn from your mistakes.
Try this for once. Life becomes way more easier and happier when you start dealing with problems with a positive attitude. The more you think positively the more you attract and spread positivity. We are in a world where most of the people are living with anxiety and depression. Having a positive outlook will help you stay healthy and calm.
Life if gives hundred reasons to cry, it also gives you thousands reasons to smile. Life of everyone contains of ups and downs. It’s not that anyone is the happiest or the saddest. We know that , the first page of life that is birth, and last page of life that is, death is written by god. But the middle pages are kept empty for the person that how one live their life. Henceforth, in order to live a beautiful life, the first and foremost thing which should be kept in mind of people is the positivity towards life. Your positive attitude will be totally based on your good life. There exists many problems in everyone’s life, but being strong and keeping positive attitude will help you alot to deal with the problems, only the thing is, you should be that strong.
Don’t over think about your past
Thinking much about your past will help you in no way. Whether your past is good or bad. If your past is good, learn to be more better from that and if your past is not good, experience from that and try to make your present and future better by not repeating the mistakes.
Never compare yourself from others and be you.
If you compare yourself from people smaller than you, you will become proud and if you compare with someone better than you then you will be disappointed. It is better not to compare yourself from anyone. Rather compete from yourself. What you were yesterday and how much you have improved today. It will build you up and your personality.
Stay positive
Stay positive in each and every situation. The problems arise in everyone’s life, though the problems are very much big and can’t be resolved now, but everything comes to an end one day. You should be patient and strong at your problem times rather to give up on your life. Staying positive will make you strong.
“Live life with a positivity, and love life”
It is very important for us to have a positive approach towards life. It helps us in our growth and development as a person in our professional and personal lifes. If from a very young age people keep a positive outlook they will be able to take up each opportunity as a step for there growth. A positive person surely succeeds in life. Positivity leads to healthy mental health ensuring peace and harmony in life. There are ways in which positivity can be maintained. The prime way is to do yogas and excercise. It helps to relax body and mind and the person starts feeling peaceful. Right now as the present time is very critical it is very important to cut off the strings for the covid news. The charts and death rates are very horrifying and has the ability to tilt the mind towards negative thoughts. Make a routine, follow it and make sure to give time to hobbies, skills develop good habbits because our mind know the difference between what are we doing and what we should be doing. When we do the things which we are supposed to do our positivity and confidence increases. Positivity is also maintained if we take balanced diet containing of all the important vitamins and mineral and all the essential proteins, fats carbohydrates and other components. Staying with our family friends and closed ones and communicating with them about our thoughts. Positivity comes from within and no one around can convince us to think positively. Try and keep yourself motivated and positive. Read, reading helps alot. It helps a person to relive thousands of life in just one life. It pushes the ability of the mind to think more. A good book can create a deep impact on a person’s mind and there way of thinking.
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