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Activity Discussion Essay Essay


  • Ishita Gupta

    June 7, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    Effect of deforestation

    Deforestation is when trees are started removing to make room, Mankind cutting or removing trees on order to use the land for commercial property or some other reason it usually done for having profits. Deforestation has been around for million of years since the Ice Age. Most of deforestation happen for agriculture purpose.Modernization or urbanization is the main reason of deforestation. Trees are cutting down for building making or many more things. Deforestation is ok until a tree plant against a demolishing of tree. Main causes of deforestation is urbanization and modernization. For making building trees are cutting down. Sometimes frames cut trees for agricultural purpose to find land for farming. But most of the time deforestation causes a very dangerous effect on the environment . As we all know trees are the main resource of life. But if we continuously cut trees without plant trees it we causes a deadly effect in environment and mankind. Deforestation is the main causes of global warming. Trees consume Carbon dioxide from which is a green house gas from environment which make our environment heathy. Green house gas can warm the weather. The continuous cutting down of trees can increase the level of green house gas in environment which causes global warming. There no way to stop climate crisis if we can’t stop deforestation. Deforestation also effect on the life of the wildlife animals. The animals and birds are live among the forest. Cutting down of trees can destroy their habitats. It make the soil infertile. Soil is the only way to make crops and grains for our living. It also causes many pollution like soil pollution, air pollution, water pollution. It can disrupt the water cycle and carbon cycle which causes a very harmful effect on mankind, animals and environment. We must spread awareness and try our best to stop it. If we want to save our environment and want to live a happy healthy life then we must stop deforestation.

  • Tejasri Alla

    June 13, 2021 at 3:07 pm

    Deforestation has become one of the major problems in the current situation. The trees are being cut to satisfy the needs of the greedy people. It is adjustable in limits but the trees are being cut in numerous amounts. If this continues, there will be a day you were not even a single tree is found. So, it is very important to protect them as it is the part of the life. We have no rights to cut them. So, it is our responsibility to save them and use them in limits.

    Let us know look into some of the methods to prevent deforestation.


    The major and important method to prevent deforestation is afforestation. It is very important to plan the saplings in order to maintain the balanced ecosystem. Monster take the average station as a challenge and must plant at least 3 to 4 saplings. This prevents deforestation in a good way.

    •Limit the usage:-

    Limiting the usage helps to prevent deforestation. This can help to reduce the use of the things which are obtained From the trees such as wood, plywood, fuel etc. That is, one must reduce the usage of the goods provided by the trees. In this way the use of the resources provided by the trees are reduced and it helps to prevent deforestation.

    It is not one’s problem but it is the whole world’s problem. So, it is very important to take a step forward to prevent deforestation and must bring awareness among the people who are wasting the goods obtained from the trees.

  • Mahima

    June 14, 2021 at 5:56 pm


    Deforestation is defined as the removal of a huge number of trees from a forest. Our environment has long been threatened by deforestation. However, many people continue this harmful activity. Furthermore, deforestation contributes to ecological imbalance. Nonetheless, some opportunistic individuals must make a profit. As a result, they don’t even consider it. As a result, the government is attempting to mitigate the environmental damage.

    The primary goal of deforestation is to expand the land area. In addition, this land area will be used to establish new enterprises. And it’s all due to the population explosion. As a result, wealthy businessmen established these businesses to boost their profits.


    1.Soil erosion is the process of the top layer of soil being washed away. When trees that bind the soil are cut down, something happens. As a result, the top layer of soil is carried away by wind and water.

    As a result, calamities such as landslides occur. Furthermore, different floods are caused by soil erosion. Because there are no trees to divert the rainwater from heavy rains, they flow straight to the plains. As a result, the colonies where people live are harmed.

    2.Global Warming: The biggest source of change in our environment is global warming. These seasons are currently being pushed back. Furthermore, their ratios are unbalanced. Temperatures are reaching dangerously high levels. It was 50 degrees on the plains this year, which is the warmest of all. Furthermore, the Himalayan mountains’ glaciers are melting. floods are wreaking havoc on our country’s mountainous areas and the people who live there. Furthermore, the proportion of drinkable water is diminishing.

    3.Impact on the water cycle- Because plants discharge soil water into the environment through transpiration. As a result, cutting them reduces the amount of water in the atmosphere. As a result, no clouds are forming. As a result, the agricultural fields aren’t getting enough rain. As a result, it only has an indirect impact on people.

    4.Wildlife is also affected by deforestation, which is a major danger. Many creatures, such as the Dodo, the Sabre-toothed Cat, and the Tasmanian Tiger, have already become extinct. Some creatures are also on the edge of extinction. This is because they have lost their habitat or place of residence. For wildlife conservationists, this is one of the most pressing concerns.

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