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Activity Discussion Essay Essay on importance of food security .


  • Tejasri Alla

    May 31, 2021 at 9:58 am

    Food security is nothing but securing the food That is not raised in the food and using it in a proper manner. Food is made with Lots of ingredients in it and lots of struggles. It takes hours and hours to prepare a particular dish and it takes few minutes to waste it without no reason. It is very easy to waste food but it is very difficult to use the food in a proper way and to save the food.

    Instead of throwing the food in the dustbins or somewhere, it can be given to the people who is facing the scarcity of food and who are in a situation where they can not afford for the food. Feeding the people who are facing the scarcity of food is a bliss. Throwing the food outside is waste but if the food is given to the poor people fills their hungry stomach.

    To prevent the scarcity of food sum of the measures can be taken.

    The food should be cooked in limited amounts only. In this way the wasteage of food will be reduced and food will be saved.

    The food which is extra can be given to the people who are facing the scarcity of food. In this way the scarcity of food will be reduced and the people who are unable to fill their stomach can fill them.

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