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essay on the proverb prevention is better than cure
Posted by Mahima on June 9, 2021 at 6:44 pmessay on the proverb prevention is better than cure
Jyothi krishna Prakash replied 3 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Prevention is always considered to be better than cure. If we know that something that can causes harm to us with the passage of time, then we should take a precautionary step to combat that danger.
In fact, “Prevention is better than cure” is one of the most common and frequently used proverbs. Prevention means to avoid something and cure means to take steps to heal or correct something. Many of us do not step forward to the power of prevention until trouble knocks. Issues or problems can be avoided or made mild by prevention. But foolish beliefs sometimes rule the minds of right-thinking people and compel them to follow a piece of unwise advice. Lubricating a ceiling fan is easier and cheaper than rewinding a burnt or faulty fan. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is better, cheaper, and happier than curing any serious illness. Maintaining balance in society is always better cause than spending huge amounts on military and police departments to check evil activities in society.
Let us take the example of students. A student should study every day. But generally, all the students study only during exams due to which various confusion arises. When they ignore their study in the early stages, then they end up working hard during their examinations and risk their success and future. There is no need to gamble on your future if you do your studies regularly. Similarly, you should immediately visit a doctor and start your treatment, if there are certain visible symptoms of an illness, before getting diagnosed with that disease. There have been many cancer cases where the patients did not take their health seriously and later on their health has serious problems, they came to know that they were suffering from cancer and which was in the second or last stage. Had they been to the doctor earlier and get treatment in time, then they could have been easily cured in the first stage. Even in the case of other diseases, early detection helps in taking better preventive measures. Thinking that the disease will get automatically cured or avoiding a doctor may result in aggravation of the problem and raise expenses or even endanger your life. We can take precautionary measures by choosing a healthy diet and making it a point to exercise regularly. Regular exercise and good nutritious food will make us less prone to diseases, and will also result in our healthy heart, mind, and body.
Preventive measures are taken in a field where we work also lessen the intensity of suffering. For example, if you focus on the market you can save yourself from financial catastrophe by perceiving future losses. Preventive measures do help in controlling the population as well as conquering the problem itself. Wise men always use the preexisted formula for success. They never wait for the deadline to start their work. Instead, they finish their work before the deadline. This gives them sufficient time to solve any unseen problem that might occur during the process of their work.
No man in the world is perfect and we all commit mistakes. But with the help of prevention, one can avoid many destruction, confusion, disasters, and complexities. We can check ourselves from doing something by thinking about the outcome first and then take appropriate action. Every action should be measured carefully because solving the problem will be more time-consuming and more painful compared to taking precautions.
Proverb have different meanings based on the situation that we are used. Proverb is a sentence that have a euphamistic sentence. Can used indirectly in a situation. That doesn’t hurt or feels the listeners. This types of proverbs are introduced by our ancestors and it is hand over to next generation as in oral form. Based on the culture, geography, lifestyle the proverbs take changes.
The proverb, ‘prevntion is better than cure’ is used in our daily life. We can relate all things that happened in our daily life. Most of the meaning is based on the way that we use. At reading this proverb in first time we get a idea related to health sector. All people faced or faces any health issues in their life. Most of them are created by our own mistakes. If are tries to avoid those mistakes we are easy to handle it. Taking a medicine or treatment is not an easy task. We suffer a lot. We needed to change our normal routine when we take a medicine or treatment. Eat food at correct time, can’t do special works etc that based on our health problems. Some people think that take medicine and treatment is very easy. They take it only after the situation goes to worse. Based on our time may the doctor says that it is very bad situation that can be control with treatment. If we took a early precautions it helps our life.
This proverb can be relate to other situations. While we taking a sudden decision check its all sides. And clear the negative impacts. It is better to clear all things before it goes to a worse condition. May we can’t do anything if it became worse. At that time we recall the time that we took the decision. So don’t make a chance to recall it.
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