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Explain scarcity of water.
Posted by Aruja on May 19, 2021 at 5:10 pmExplain scarcity of water.
Tejasri Alla replied 3 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies -
3 Replies
Water is one of the most important resource we have on our planet. All living beings such as animals, plants and human need water for the proper functioning on there systems. Water has various importance in everyone’s lives.
1. Helps plants in the process of photosynthesis:- Water helps plant to perform photosynthesis through which they produce there food for the living.
2. Water is needed to grow crops:- Water plays a very important role in production of cereals, vegetables fruits and many other things that we consume.
3. Water is very important for living body for the organs to perform there functions well.
4. Nowadays electricity is also produced from water know as hydroelectricity.
Without water existance of living being is not at all possible. Earlier we used to get water for free but now we are paying for it because the quantity and fresh water has decreased. Now as a responsible citizen we should be saving water as it will be beneficial to us only. And also so that the people of the next generation can also be able to enjoy there natural resources.
Even though we have a lot of river and oceans but the water they have is very salty and cannot be consumed directly. That means only some amount of water is appropriate for intake. We should use the water effectively and make sure it is not wasted.
Like for eg
• If you have a pet make him bath in the lawn so that the water is not wasted and the grasses are being watered from the same.
• Try taking shower in place of bathing as it requires lesser amount of water.
• Do rainwater harvesting where the water collected during raining is used for different day to day work.
• Take the amount of water that is needed in the glass for drinking if water is still left,put it in the plants. -
Human beings require some essential components to live on this planet Earth. Sunlight plants food water soil are some such components without which life would not be possible on this planet. So for life to continue water is an essential resource. Without water no living organism can survive on this planet. Water plays a vital role in many key functions in our day to day life. Nowadays water is also used for various other purposes other than just life processes. Some of the important uses of water are listed below:
1.Water supports life in the aquatic biome. It forms the base of the marine ecosystem. Without water living creatures like fishes, whales etc won’t exist.
2.It is used for the generation of electricity
3.It is used as a coolant and lubricant in various industries.
4. It boosts the tourism of many sites and generates revenue.
5.It forms the basis of all life functions in human beings and other living creatures.
6.It helps plants create food through photosynthesis, without which no living creature will get energy.
Human being have exploited all the resources very much. The story of water resources is no different. Water resources have undergone major pollution due to Industrial waste which are released untreated into the water bodies. Also people bathe in waters, wash clothes, bathe cattle, release household waste in water bodies etc. All these activities have lead to serious water pollution crisis.
Also, humans don’t use their existing resources judiciously. If water pollution and it’s overuse continues at such a high rate then,soon we would run out of fresh water resources.
We as responsible citizens should make sure that we Do not waste water and use it judiciously. Here are some steps you can follow to reduce the wastage of water in your houses.
1. Don’t keep the tap on while brushing.
2. Instead of shower take a bucket bath
3. Try to reuse the water. Water used for washing Vegetables etc. can be used to water the kitchen garden plants
Always try to come up with more innovative ways to save water. Water is the most essential resource and it is our duty to protect it from depletion and over pollution.
Water is one of the most important resources without which the human being cannot live. In the current situation, the scarcity of water has become the biggest problem. It is taken in a very easy manner about the scarcity of water but it is going to be a major problem in the upcoming days. There is a very big need to maintain the water balancing and provide them to our future generations. Let us now look into some of the tips to save water.
•Use in limits:-
Using the water in limits Is the best solution to the scarcity of water. An individual Must limit the use of water. One must use the water only live on a busy road and must save the water when it is overflowing when not in use. It is a very important thing to say water. So, Every individual must know the need of the situation.
Reduce, reuse and recycle is the best tips for saving the water. The water which is used for some of the cleaning purposes can be used to water the plants. In such a lway one can save the water to some extent. As told about the uses of the water must be reduced. Producing the water is the best fit that in individual little help to save the water to greatest extent. Reusing the water is the another method to save the water. Reason the water means to reuse the water to water the plants which are already used. Recycle the water which is used already to save the water and to prevent the scarcity of the water.
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